Correct bad habits to enjoy a restful sleep even in summer
According to recent statistics, the number of Italians suffering from insomnia is now close to 12 million. Although so widespread, it is nevertheless a disorder that is not always easy to identify, as it can manifest itself in different ways from person to person. While some have difficulty falling asleep, others are prone to frequent nocturnal awakenings, or tend to wake up too early.
It is not uncommon even the case in which, despite being able to sleep for a good number of hours, you wake up in the morning still tired , remaining sleepy and not very concentrated throughout the day and, consequently, ending up becoming irritable and anxious. But it is in the summer season that this disorder can also affect those who are not normally subject to it. In addition to the heat and humidity, it negatively affects sleep in summer and the lengthening of the days with the increase in daylight hours. Fortunately, it is possible to find valid remedies for summer insomnia and, first of all, it is important to eliminate or at least reduce some bad habits.

The importance of nutrition in summer insomnia
There are many people who, being in a holiday resort, or having a few days of vacation to spend at home, allow themselves the classic afternoon nap . In reality, this habit risks determining or worsening summer insomnia, especially when the nap in question is not short-lived. Essential to counter this problem in the hottest months, and therefore to devote the right attention to nutrition, especially with respect to the evening meal. The advice is to prefer the consumption of foods known for their lightness such as fruit and vegetables . There are also some foods capable of reconciling sleep : bread, brown rice, legumes and fish, for example, favor falling asleep. And if in the hottest evenings it is almost impossible not to be tempted by a good ice cream, you should nevertheless limit your consumption or, at least, avoid enjoying it very late.
The high sugar contentpresent in ice creams (especially in packaged industrial ones), in fact, it rapidly raises blood sugar , stimulating the production of insulin . The latter comes into play to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood but, in doing so, can cause hypoglycemia and nocturnal awakenings. As far as drinks are concerned, a greater consumption of water is essential to maintain the right level of hydration, also reducing summer insomnia: it is advisable, however, to try not to drink too much, just before going to bed in order to avoid unwanted awakenings at night. Instead, the consumption of alcohol should be almost abolished, which, by raising the body temperature, stimulates the production of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, sworn enemies of good sleep.

Showers and physical activity: tips to combat summer insomnia
Normally, those used to spend most of their summer days in the pool or on the beach, find great relief in cold water showers. However, it must be considered that the low temperature of the water forces the natural thermoregulation mechanisms to intervene to restore a correct body temperature. The result
A few minutes away from the shower, the sensation of heat will be even more pronounced and this will facilitate summer insomnia.
Better, then, to opt for a lukewarm shower, or for compresses on the wrists or on the inside of the arms: the relief felt will perhaps be less intense, but certainly more lasting. The high temperatures also make it difficult, during the summer, to practice physical activity in the hours of sunshine. This causes many people to move their training time forward, favoring the late afternoon or the hours after dinner. A high intensity session, however, results in a rise in metabolism which, in turn, can lead to irregular sleep, forcing you to deal with insomnia.

Remedies for summer insomnia: air conditioners and fans in the bedroom
If sleeping in a bedroom with too high a temperature is impossible for many, abusing fans and air conditioners could negatively affect sleep. When the fresh air emanating from these appliances meets sweaty skin, you risk waking up in the middle of the night with a sore throat or a stiff neck. It would therefore be useful to use the “dry” function of the air conditioner, obtaining a lower temperature than the external one but, at the same time, avoiding the aforementioned disturbances.
Those who do not have an air conditioner should be careful to orient the fan so that the air is not directed towards the upper part of the body. In any case, it is possible to guarantee a “tolerable” temperature to one’s bedroom even in the absence of the aforementioned accessories. How to do
it First of all, you need to open the windows in the early morning, then lower the shutters before direct sunlight hits the windows and keep them lowered until sunset; finally, ventilate the room again until it is time to go to bed.

The choice of sheets: a factor not to be underestimated when suffering from summer insomnia
Sometimes, when choosing sheets for the bed, we tend to underestimate the importance of fabrics, considering only the aesthetic aspect. In reality, the choice of synthetic fabrics instead of natural fibers could have a significant influence on summer insomnia. If the former, in fact, have a tendency to retain heat – with the result of increasing body temperature – the natural fibers instead help to disperse body heat. Another point in favor of natural fabrics and then the ability of the latter to prevent irritation and itching, which could lead to awakenings during the night.

Remedies for insomnia in the summer
Say goodbye to cigarettes (at least in the evening …)

After a large meal, smokers usually find it pleasant to light up acigarette . This habit can have deleterious effects on sleep, especially if you tend to suffer from summer insomnia. In fact, nicotine increases blood pressure , increasing the sensation of heat and also favors the phenomenon of apnea. All this certainly does not argue in favor of a regenerating sleep!

Main remedies for summer insomnia: herbal teas, yoga and natural supplements
As we have seen, during the summer, various factors contribute to “sabotaging” the night’s rest even in those who do not usually suffer from insomnia. Fortunately, there is no shortage of remedies for summer insomnia! Natural ones, in particular, they represent a valid alternative to sleeping pills and other drugs that could cause addiction. Often a good herbal tea such as valerian is enough to fall asleep easily and then wake up refreshed from the fatigue of the previous day. Yoga , too , if you are a little familiar with its postures, can be of great help.
The market also offers various natural supplements, referred to as “gentle” insomnia remedies. Among the most effective are those based on melatonin (a hormone produced by the human body), also available in a formulation suitable for children. Melatonin originates from the pineal gland which, under normal conditions, releases this hormone during the hours of darkness to regulate the sleep-wake rhythm. Especially in summer, however, a deficiency of this hormone may occur: a situation that causes sleep problems. For this reason, it is useful to supplement melatonin when it is difficult to fall asleep or when disturbances occur in the REM phase (such as, for example, muscle spasms). Finally, remember that melatonin-based supplements are also useful against the classic jet-lag annoyances.

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