Cardias incontinent is a disease that affects the cardia, that is the area where the esophagus and stomach meet that becomes incontinent when it can no longer contract sufficiently to avoid acid reflux.
In fact, the cardia has the function of a sphincter so it contracts and relaxes depending on whether or not it has to bring down food or something else. While we eat the cardia expands and the food manages to pass into the stomach, once the food bolus has arrived in the stomach, the cardia contracts to prevent gastric juices from reaching the esophagus, corroding it.
The esophagus does not have the mucous membrane resistant enough to counteract the acids, so there is pain and burning when the stomach acids reach it.
If the cardia fails to perform its normal functions it is called “incontinent”. In summary, we speak of incontinent cardia or cardia open when the gastric sphincter is unable to contain the stomach acids in its seat. In today’s article we will talk about the symptoms , causes and therapy to solve this ailment.

Symptoms and causes
Among the most common symptoms of incontinent cardias we find:

  • Stomach ache;
  • Gastric reflux ;
  • Acidite.

Cardias incontinent is more commonly known as gastric or gastroesophageal reflux . This is a common disorder that is underestimated too often.
Gastric reflux becomes a pathological condition when it appears once a week or more, in this case we speak of gastroesophageal reflux disease also known by the acronym GERD .
GERD is a benign disease, but it can cause chronic disorders that lower the quality of life. Continuously suffering from acidity can cause embarrassment as well as pain and in some cases can lead the patient to isolation.
Causes of gastric refluxgenerally they approach an incorrect functionality of the gastroesophageal sphincter.
Other causes of gastric reflux caused by incontinent cardia are:

  • Contraction and / or abnormal dilation of the esophageal sphincter;
  • Malignant pathologies that impair the function of the gastric sphincter;
  • Abuse or use of gastrointestinal drugs;
  • esophagitis;
  • Abuse of carbonated drinks;
  • Abuse of coffee-based beverages;
  • Abuse of caffeinated beverages;
  • Overweight;
  • Obesity;
  • Smoke;
  • Incorrect nutrition;
  • Aerophagia;
  • Excessive consumption of chewing gum
  • Stress.

Taking a classic nap after lunch can also increase the risk of suffering from reflux. Pregnancy can be counted among the most common causes of incontinent cardias , the fetus compresses the stomach and often causes acid to rise up into the esophagus.
Some drug therapies can also increase the risk of reflux. For example, therapies with anti-inflammatory and / or painkillers can cause the acid to rise.
In the most serious cases the patient, due to the acid reflux that reaches the esophagus, can also suffer from hoarseness , pharyngitis, asthma and cough, dysphonia (altered tone of voice), laryngitis, bronchitis and caries.
This is because the acid reflux goes up the throat and mixes with the air that is breathed by the patient. Regurgitation can eventually eat away at the teeth and increase the risk of tooth decay.

Therapy and treatment
Therapies for the treatment of incontinent cardias change according to the extent of the problem. Only the doctor will be able to indicate the most suitable therapy for your problem and the relative dosage.
When the condition is still in its infancy, a simple lifestyle change can be effective. Following a healthy diet can be an excellent remedy for gastric reflux.
Whether to change dietit is not an effective remedy and it is advisable to opt for drug therapy. Generally drug and antacid therapy: these drugs do not solve the problem, but they manage to contain the symptoms because they neutralize stomach acid. Antacids work quickly, but the effectiveness wears off quickly.
H2-antagonist medicines represent a valid alternative against reflux, they decrease acid secretions and have a prolonged effect, the benefits of the drug last up to twelve hours.
The best treatment for incontinent cardiasand that based on proton pump inhibitor drugs. These drugs act at the origin of the disease and stop acid production by acting at the cellular level. They have a lasting effect and are very effective.
There are also natural remedies for gastric reflux , but you should still consult your doctor before taking them. Aloe vera, in the form of tablets, drinks or supplements, can help manage symptoms.
Mallow, anise and licorice are also natural remedies against reflux, they must be taken in the form of herbal teas to drink at room temperature. Obviously these are remedies that do not solve the problem, but they can help manage the symptoms.

Surgical intervention
When none of the therapies indicated in the previous paragraph are effective in managing the problem, it may be necessary to resort to surgery .
This type of intervention does not always represent a definitive solution, in fact in some cases there is a risk that the pathology recurs or that the intervention is not decisive. Some patients still have to take medications even after surgery, even if in lower doses.
Deciding to resort to surgery must always be the last choice. The operation is performed with minimally invasive techniques, or with laparoscopic surgery, and aim to restore the normal function of the sphincter.

How to prevent gastric reflux
What foods to avoid

To prevent malfunction of the gastroesophageal sphincter it is advisable to avoid eating too much and too quickly during meals.
It is necessary to have small meals throughout the day, commonly five small meals are enough to not feel the pangs of hunger and to have proper digestion.
Furthermore, to counteract acidity it is necessary to know which foods to avoid in the case of incontinent cardias. Here are the most common ones:

  • Spiced foods;
  • Too fatty foods;
  • Fried foods;
  • Chocolate;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Caffe;
  • Acidic foods and drinks;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Garlic;
  • Onion;
  • Broth (especially when eaten hot).

Chewing slowly is also helpful
to avoid gastric reflux . Proper chewing allows for better digestion and reduces the risk of digestive system malfunctions.
Even maintaining a correct position during meals aids digestion and reduces the risk of acidity. Smoking, coffee, and alcohol after meals cause heartburn and increase the risk of reflux.
The post-lunch nap is not recommended if you suffer from malfunction of the gastric sphincter. Sleeping after meals is considered healthy by many, but it actually slows digestion and increases the risk of acidity as well as slowing down the metabolism.
Physical activity should be avoided just before and just after main meals as it can negatively affect digestion. For the diet try to prefer white meat to red meat, also prefer fish and light cooking.
Also remember to season foods little, even excessive seasonings can cause acidity. Many think that milk helps with reflux, but it is an alkaline drink for immediate relief only.
Prolonged consumption can worsen the situation because milk contains fats and proteins, substances that slow down the emptying of the stomach and, consequently, increase gastric acidity .
As always, we remind you that our articles are useful for informational purposes only and that they do not in any way replace the doctor’s opinion. If you experience symptoms of incontinent heart disease , consult your doctor and avoid neglecting the symptoms and signals your body gives you.
Avoid do-it-yourself treatments because in addition to being ineffective they could also make the situation worse. Contact of acids with unsuitable body tissues can lead you to suffer from more serious diseases.
Stomach acid corrodes tissues over time and could cause ulcers as well as increase the risk of developing esophageal cancer. We remind you that even the teeth can be damaged by acids that can corrode the enamel.
Be careful, avoid do-it-yourself remedies and follow your doctor’s therapy . It is the only way to treat the symptoms of incontinent cardias and be able to manage this pathology correctly, avoiding unpleasant consequences.
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