The car tax is often referred to as the “calculation of the regional car tax”, the so-called “road tax” and is a tax calculated at the regional level. This tax must be paid by all those who own a car and who are duly registered with the Public Automobile Registry (PRA) . It must be paid annually by the owner of one or more vehicles with regular insurance, regardless of whether the vehicles in question are used or not, that is, whether they are in circulation or not. What is the car tax
The car tax constitutes what is commonly understood as the ownership tax of a particular vehicle, which means that it does not necessarily have to be a car: it can also be a van or a motorcycle, the important thing is that the registration took place in Italy. .
Being a regional tax, this expense goes directly to the receipts of the region to which the vehicle owner lives (with the exception of the regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Sardinia, where the income goes directly to the Revenue Agency). How much does the car tax cost and when to pay
The deadline for paying the car taxit is not identical for all but is processed according to the date on which the vehicle was registered. The first car tax is always paid during the month in which the enrollment took place, then renewals must be paid following the deadline on the last day of the month, after the fixed deadline.
As regards the cost of the car tax and therefore the amount to be paid, this is obtained through a calculation based on certain specific and homologation characteristics concerning the vehicle in question. The components to consider are: the engine power , whose measurement is in kilowatt hours (kW), the environmental class to which the vehicle belongs and theregion within which it resides . How to calculate the car tax
To obtain the tax value, the kW is multiplied by the amount reported based on the specific environmental class characterizing the vehicle. If the latter has a power that reaches 100 kilowatt hours there are certain amounts, if instead it exceeds the threshold of 100 kW of power, then the reference values ​​change.
Here is a practical example for a Euro III vehicle with a power of 140 kW: 100 x 2.70 to which 40 (which are the kW above the quota 100) x the value 4.05. To this calculation, of course, must be added the regional tax, which varies according to the region. Calculation of the car tax
Calculating the car tax might seem difficult, but in reality it is not because there are various means, including online, that can provide support in this calculation: among these there is precisely the specific option on the website dedicated to ACI. This area indicates the region of residence, the license plate of the vehicle in question, what type and, then select which payment is being made (i.e. if it is a renewal of the ownership tax, an integration or if it is simply a first registration). Once you have entered all the data you need, the site calculates the result and you will get the amount directly.
An even more recent and current tool that integrates these vehicles is the Vehicle App, very practical and comfortable. By entering the license plate number and the type of vehicle you own, it allows you to obtain the information necessary for the payment of the road tax, such as the registration date, the amount and relative expiry of the tax and the status of your insurance.
To pay the car tax, you can physically go to the post offices, or by contacting the betting shops or tobacconists that have the ACI convention, at the car handling agencies that have an agreement or at the bank branches. If, on the other hand, you prefer to make the payment using the online medium, then the alternatives are the following: through the ACI website (with the exception of the regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Sardinia and the autonomous province of Bolzano and Trento), through the site of the region to which you belong, with home banking, using the site of the Italian Post Office, on the site of the revenue agency or through the App. Who does not have to pay the car tax
Some vehicle owners are exempt from paying the ownership tax. These are those who own electric cars (only for the first five years of registration); those who have hybrid cars (with different discounts based on the reference regions); those who belong to the disabled category and therefore own a car (or if someone next to them uses it to transport them) – this option is valid only in the case of a vehicle owned by the disabled person, to which another one could join and belonging to a relative-; those who own vintage vehicles registered for more than thirty years; those who have vehicles that are part of non-profit organizations, such as ambulances,Penalties for non-payment of the car tax In the event that the ownership tax is not paid , penalties are obviously envisaged and the amount of this penalty varies according to how many days have passed since the expiry date. The arrears to be paid fluctuate from the fourteenth day onwards within which the payment is made, up to more than one year from the due date. Obviously the more time passes, the higher the percentage to be paid.
In detail, the penalties are as follows:
– payment made within 14 days: an increase of 0.1% of the total for each day of delay;
– payment made between the 15th and 30th day: an increase of 1.5% of the total;
– payment made between the 31st and the 90th day: an increase of 1.67% of the total;
– payment made between the 91st day and 1 year: an increase of 3.75% of the total;
– payment made in the past 1 year: an increase of 30% of the total, plus 1% for each semester of delay. Guida al Superbollo Superbollo
is up to those who own a vehicle whose power is higher than that of medium-sized cars. Introduced in 2011, it is a tax imposed for cars that exceed 185 kW in power and establishes a payment tax that amounts to twenty euros for each additional kW. The tax is lowered over time, i.e. over the years:

  • 60% of the total between the 6th and 10th year of the car’s life
  • 30% of the total between the 11th and 14th year of the car’s life
  • 15% of the total between the 15th and 19th years of the car’s life.

The more the years pass and the vehicle “ages”, the more the amount to be paid decreases. Once the threshold of twenty years has been reached, there will no longer be the obligation to pay the super stamp. Long-term rental cars, recent changes in car tax management
Long-term rental is an alternative mobility solution to buying or leasing a vehicle. This option does not provide for the ownership of a vehicle, but for its leasing, which involves the payment of a monthly fee that includes a package of services, such as ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, insurance and payment of the ownership tax, i.e. car tax.
Until the end of 2020, long-term rental companies paid the stamp duty based on the region or autonomous province in which the rental company’s registered office is located. The Law Decree n. 124/2019 , converted with amendments by Law no. 157/2019 has already introduced, starting from January 1, 2020, an important change relating to the payment of the tax on vehicles granted for long-term rental without driver. The new law provides that long-term rental companies will have to pay vehicle tax based on the region in which the customer who will take the vehicle resides (if it is a private individual) or the region in which the company has its registered office. of the tenant customer, in the case of customers with a VAT number.
The change in law thus makes the cost of the road tax fall no longer on the region to which the owner of the vehicle belongs but on the tenant customer, who will begin to pay the stamp from the day the contract begins until the expiry date of the same contract.
This change in law therefore provides that the ultimate customer will have to pay the ownership tax , depending on the rate imposed by their region or autonomous province to which they belong. In practical terms, long-term rental companies can decide to anticipate the payment of the tax by the customer, already including it in the monthly fee, or, they can remove the monthly cost related to the ownership tax from the rent and charge a one-off fee to the customer. the cost of the stamp.
Below are the possible alternatives that long-term rental companies have available under this law change that has come into force:

  • The company eliminates the cost of the ownership tax from the monthly fee that the customer must pay, once a year the price will be attributed to the customer who will pay it according to the tariff of the reference region or autonomous province;
  • Right from the signing of the contract, the rental company can correctly calculate the cost of the stamp duty based on the region in which the customer resides, and divides it for the twelve months of the year;
  • The long-term rental company calculates the cost of the stamp duty in the monthly fee according to the registered office of the rental company and each year an adjustment is made to the customer’s debit or credit for the difference in the amount of the regional stamp cost where the customer resides;
  • the customer, by sending a PEC sent directly to the long-term rental company, autonomously declares that he will pay the car tax, freeing the company from any liability bond, which will not be guilty of any fines in the event that there were any late payment.

This change could have significant consequences for customers: for example, rental offers may no longer be comparable in terms of services and rental rates , since the amount of the stamp duty can vary even by thousands of euros in the case of high-powered cars or plug-in hybrid cars, region by region. It will therefore be necessary to better outline the rental contract in the services subscribed, having clear all the costs and clearly ask your consultant for the cost of the stamp (if it is not included in the rental fee), in order to calculate both the costs included in the rent. and those charged one-time.

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