Repossessed vehicle auctions
are a great option to get a car at a good price and save money . However, acquiring a vehicle at a Government auction can be complicated, especially if you are not familiar with how the system works. First of all, you should know that ” any person by himself or through a representative, who has the capacity to act in accordance with the law, and has no legal impediment or restriction, can bid”, as indicated in the BOE.
To find out the availability of auctioned vehicles from seizures of Social Security, Courts, Town Halls, etc. , you just have to enter the section specifically enabled for it on the website of the Official State Gazette. Under the title ‘auctions of seized assets’ it offers the possibility of choosing between real estate, vehicles, boats, among others. Once you have selected the vehicles tab, you can filter by vehicle type and geographical area.
When you have chosen the community in which you are interested, it will also allow you to filter by province. In both cases, you will be able to see a list that includes all the vehicles currently up for auction ., the car model, the license plate, the vehicle’s appraisal amount, if it has financial charges, its starting price and of course the car’s auction date .
How to participate
To participate in the auction, you can do it in person or online.In the event that you decide to participate online, you will need a digital signature or an electronic ID .
If you choose to attend the bidding in person, there are two options. On the one hand, you can go with a sealed envelope in which you will include your DNI or, if you are a foreigner, your passport, travel document or other document that proves your identity and the amount you are willing to pay for the vehicle in a check. on behalf of the General Treasury to pay the deposit (with an advance of 25% of the starting price is sufficient), or through a verbal position paying 30% of said price.In addition, according to the authorities, “in the receipt justifying the consignment or the deposit, it is necessary to state, for the purposes of possible adjudications, the hour and minute in which said delivery was made, as well as the order number that has reciprocated”.
In the case of winning the bid , you must pay the rest of the amount of the vehicle within a maximum period of 15 days from the auction.
Experts advise that before bidding on a vehicle you request its history as well as if it has pending charges (fines, taxes, etc.).