The light cannabis market could develop quite significant potential with a profit of 4-500 million euros per year: estimated by Davide Fortin, researcher at the Sorbonne University in Paris and collaborator of MPG Consulting (Marijuana Policy Group of Denver) , through various researches and in-depth studies. To arrive at these figures, however, it is essential to implement appropriate regulations aimed at guaranteeing the healthiness of the product regarding the active ingredients contained, contrasting illegal trafficking and clarifying the conditions for sale and use.
Giving a precise value to Cannabis light is impossible given that, in many European countries, there is still no law capable of completely protecting this market. For example, in Switzerland, the first country in which Cannabis light was legalized, there is an annual income of around 25-30 million euros; a figure not to be underestimated especially if we consider the infinite growth potential of this sector. According to some market research, in Italy, a minimum turnover of about 44 million euros per year is estimated , as well as a thousand fixed jobs among traders, collaborators, workers and farmers. What is meant by the term Cannabis light, uses and beneficial effects
According to the current Italian law, which came into force in January 2017, it is possible to grow depotentiated , genetically modified Hemp Sativa with very low THC concentrations, between 0.2 and 0.6%. This limitation was imposed as a precaution, since, exceeding certain quantities of THC, cannabis could produce relevant narcotic effects with psychotic disorders of various kinds.
Furthermore, the current law 242/2016 provides a specific list on the uses and products that can be obtained from the cultivation of hemp, also indicating the obligations of the grower.
Pursuant to paragraph 1, from Cannabis Sativa, it is possible to obtain:
– food and cosmeticsthat respect the disciplines and rules of their sectors;
– material for the purification of polluting sites;
– crops for teaching and / or demonstration activities;
– oils , fuels , sheaves , fiber , for industrial use;
– materials for bioengineering and green building ;
– crops for horticulture , therefore for the production and sale of cut flowers and plants, in specialized structures such as nurseries and / or greenhouses.
The farmer, on the other hand, in order not to incur any penalties punishable by law, must:
– purchaseseeds certified at European level for the cultivation of plants with adequate THC;
– obligatorily keep the label of the seeds purchased for at least 12 months.
The text of the law therefore appears quite incomplete as the uses of hemp, inflorescences, roots and leaves are not mentioned in any way.
According to the latest laws, we can safely say that in Italy it is possible to grow and sell Cannabis Sativa ; anyone who sells and grows cannabis light, with a THC content of less than 0.6%, for personal use or for its marketing, cannot be prosecuted. THC and CBD
The large quantities of CBD, present in cannabis light, have a natural relaxing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. This metabolite, whose effectiveness is guaranteed by numerous scientific studies, promotes sleep and can have a calming and relaxing effect against states of anxiety and panic. Cannabis light can be used to stop smoking tobacco, as a substitute for harder drugs, to counteract alcohol addiction or to reduce the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, relaxants and sleeping pills. Furthermore, one in five consumers say they choose to consume light cannabis, or CBD products, simply for personal well-being.
Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive, non-addictive and, given its many beneficial qualities, is arousing increasing interest from the medical and scientific community. The importance of an appropriate legislation that regulates the sale of cannabis light By
legalizing cannabis light it will be possible to minimize, to eliminate, the illegal sale of marijuana. Suffice it to say that in 2016, in Europe, about 23 and a half million people consumed this substance.
Another very significant data is given by the decrease (about 33% less) in the quantity of seedlings grown illegally following the legalization of cannabis light: by implementing careful and precise regulation, it will therefore be possiblefight drug trafficking and illegal marijuana seizures , decrease crime linked to the black market, protect minors and obtain stable, safe and controlled economic income.
A study conducted by three leading Italian researchers, and then published in the European Economic Review, highlighted the effects of the legalization of cannabis light to the detriment of organized crime and the illegal market. In the provinces with a greater presence of legal hemp retailers, fewer marijuana seizures have occurred, with a reduction of about 11% for each cannabis shop in the area.
It has also been estimated that the lost revenue due to the liberalization of cannabis light corresponds to approximately200 million euros a year : a serious blow to these criminal organizations that regulate the hemp market. The business of Cannabis light: a constantly growing market With a
strong sustainable charge, Hemp can be grown without the use of fertilizers and requires a minimum amount of water: it is therefore an eco-friendly product that does not damage the environment and does not consume resources unnecessarily.
To date, Cannabis light ranks among the best-selling products online; in fact, there are numerous e-shops specialized in the sale of legal hemp, such as the Italian company Canapafarm, committed to maintaining sustainable and organic cultivation as much as possible. By purchasing from these online stores, you can be sure of receiving a safe product that meets those quality standards set by law.
In 2019 the total turnover, given by the marketing of Cannabis light, amounted to around 150 million euros, in 2020 it exceeded 200 million euros: a business in very strong growth with quite important development and profit margins.