With the term flittene we refer to those vesicles filled with liquid that form, for example, following a rubbing or a burn . But what exactly is it
How we should behave in the case of blisters
What are the symptoms of blisters
What are the most common causes
Today we are going to deal with blisters, answering together all your questions about these very common blisters and seeing, above all, how we should behave to heal them without taking risks. In practice, we will provide you with a real guide on this discomfort in order to avoid complications and permanent damage to your skin.
What exactly are flittene
As we have already mentioned in the short introduction, with the term flittene we refer to particular blisters filled with a rather serous and transparent liquid that can form on our skin for various reasons. In practice they are real water bubbles as they are commonly called.
Sometimes they can also contain traces of blood, it mainly depends on what caused them and we will deal with this later.
Even if these are very trivial bubbles that, at least once in our life, we have all had, the flittenethey should not be underestimated as, at times, they can also be very critical, especially in the presence of other conditions, such as diabetes or particular diseases that affect wound healing.
What are the main causes of blisters?
The main cause of these is certainly second degree burns , however there can be many other factors to determine their appearance, such as those mentioned below:
- Exposure to some chemicals
- Of traumas;
- An excessive cold, practically extreme;
- Natural stinging agents, such as plants or jellyfish poison;
- Allergic reactions to some drugs or other products, for example, cosmetics;
- The rubbing;
- The reaction between drugs and sun exposure (for example ketoprofen in cream or foam).
In addition, the flittene can also be determined by pathological causes, such as the following:
- L’impetigine;
- A drug rash
- Bullous contact dermatitis;
- The fire of St. Anthony;
- L’herpes simplex;
- The pemphigus;
- The finger;
- Erpetiform dermatitis;
- The patereccio.
It must be remembered, however, that the size of the blister, its severity and much more also depend on the cause, but we will deal with the symptoms in the next paragraph.
What are the symptoms of blisters?
First of all, it must be remembered that blisters are themselves symptoms of other conditions, that is, those we talked about above. For this, rather than talking about their symptoms, we need to understand how we recognize them.
Recognizing the flittene is not difficult at all, just refer to the characteristics that we show you below:
- The bubble appears to be under tension;
- We can feel the consistency of the liquid inside by touching the bubble;
- It can be painful and stinging (especially when it bursts)
What should we do in the case of flittene
Flittene could cause infections, especially if they burst (or burst on their own) and come into contact with other substances. When a flittene bursts a sort of open wound is formed and it is important to ensure that this does not become infected.
For this reason, if we have noticed a blister on our skin, whatever the cause, it would be advisable to contact the doctor to have us undergo a check-up and advise us on the treatment and precautions to follow to ensure that it does not become infected.
Furthermore, it is extremely important to consult a doctor if we are individuals at risk of infection, especially in the case of diabetic individuals in which an infectious state could cause serious consequences.
The need to go to the doctor depends not only on the risk of infection, but is also determined by the cause that caused the formation of the flittene, for example in the case of a bad burn or in the presence of a pathological condition.
In these cases, in fact, to solve the problem it may be appropriate to take or apply specific drugs that only our treating doctor can prescribe.
However, we can say that if the blister was caused by friction, for example because we were wearing the wrong shoes, it might be useless to go to the doctor. In that case it would be wise to be careful not to pop the blister and stop wearing those shoes for a while.
What are the treatments envisaged for the treatment of blisters
As we have already said in the previous paragraph, the treatment of blisters depends on the severity of the situation and, above all, on the presence of other pathologies or, in any case, on the cause that caused it.
First of all we must remember to never, ever cut the flittene independently, this procedure can only be performed by the doctor, if he deems it necessary, with the necessary sterile instrumentation.
Punching a flittene in the wrong way could in fact involve an infectious process that could also turn out to be a risk situation, as we have said in the case of diabetics, but not only.
If the cause of the blister is friction (for example the wrong shoe), to promote its healing in an undisturbed way it is necessary to disinfect it and cover it with a gauze and, only if it does not heal within a few days, it is necessary to contact the doctor caring.
In some cases, for example when the blister was caused by a bad burn, the doctor may prescribe drugs, especially topical creams to encourage healing and make it faster.
There are natural remedies to promote the healing of blisters You can also use natural remedies
to treat the painful symptoms of blisters . However, remember to always tell your doctor before using any of these remedies as they may interfere with the functioning of any other medications you are taking.
On the market you can buy many products based on natural ingredients, for example emollient creams, particularly suitable for treating flittene .
For example, if the blister was caused by a burn, you can use the following products:
- Creams based on calendula, a plant famous for its healing properties;
- A gel based on aloe vera, a miraculous plant that can bring improvements even in the case of a burn;
- An infusion based on gotu kola , a natural remedy famous for its healing and regenerating properties;
- Creams based on echinacea , also famous for its regenerating properties.
Remember that natural remedies can only be used if there are no particular risks and you can take them into consideration only in the case of burns that are not excessively severe.
How do we prevent blisters
To prevent blisters from occurring, it is necessary to pay attention to some small precautions that are usually part of our nature, unless we are self-harming.
But be careful of heat sources , do not buy shoes that are too tight and do not always use the same pair of shoes as this could favor the formation of a water bubble.
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