Mood states offer visions of reality, not only of the existing one, but also projections of what could be, and what is not, which is denied, prevented. For this reason, subjects with a bipolar temperament are able to conceive extreme visions of reality, oriented according to simple but all-encompassing principles, which unite the destinies of individuals with a general project (religious, historical, ideological). Often the depressive episodes of an individual with a bipolar temperament are expressed with the loss of this conviction, security and trust in ideologies that previously seemed so true and alive. Sometimes the collapse of illusions,
In this, extremism is different from fanaticism .
Fanaticism can be defined as a forced and extreme conception of the world applied to others, that is the theory that others are forced to certain rules or that they are prevented from living according to their orientations. Very different is the extremism in which one chooses to be protagonists, for better or for worse, as “militants” and not as “leaders who order” what should be the penalty for others.
It is quite easy to think how in a euphoric, manic phase, a subject can become extreme and have a vision of life and history all aimed at a clear and unique purpose. This is why I do not want to propose an example of this type, already proposed in other articles of the blog, rather instead starting from two examples of “gallows” extremism.
A former Red Brigadier, prof. Enrico Fenzi. During his time in prison, among other incidents, he witnessed these two human cases.
In the first, a brigatista (Soldati) enters prison after a phase of harsh interrogations, which will later be the center of controversy for methods of torture used successfully in order to obtain information. The Brigadier is worried about the admissions and the damage he may have done to others, but his behavior is unique to him. Instead of asking not to be put in contact with his comrades, or asking to repent at that point to avoid being considered an “infamous”, or simply hoping that it is understood how he may have given in under torture, he self-reports to the Red Brigades leaders . He reports that he has made statements to the police, and asks to be subjected to an internal trial of the Red Brigades, because only his group recognizes the right to judge him. So the comrades accept his request, they try him and issue a death sentence, which they execute immediately. A case of “coherence” and responsibility certainly extreme to the point of suggesting that at that moment the person’s brain did not allow any other vision other than dying for the idea, as a traitor who denounces himself, it was preferable to live in any other way. Not even for suicide, because a traitor must not commit suicide but must sacrifice himself for the cause, and therefore be killed by his companions. Almost a salvation of the soul, a redemption, through a well-deserved condemnation. as a traitor who denounces himself, it was preferable to live in any other way. Not even for suicide, because a traitor must not commit suicide but must sacrifice himself for the cause, and therefore be killed by his companions. Almost a salvation of the soul, a redemption, through a well-deserved condemnation. as a traitor who denounces himself, it was preferable to live in any other way. Not even for suicide, because a traitor must not commit suicide but must sacrifice himself for the cause, and therefore be killed by his companions. Almost a salvation of the soul, a redemption, through a well-deserved condemnation.
Another case, always reported by Fenzi, is that of Francesco Berardi, a RB who is arrested and probably “gives the names” of some other RB members. In the first prison period, Berardi appears serene and lives in a group with the other detained Red Brigades. As the trial approaches, he darkens, no longer speaks, and one day he summons Fenzi and to confess that he may have mentioned his name. He reassures him by telling him that he understands the situation, he does not hold a grudge and in any case perhaps the charges in question will not weigh much compared to the rest. The impression is that it is “exaggerating” the weight of that guilt, which perhaps does not exist. Berardi looks pale, cries, has attempted suicide by cutting his wrists. Insensitive to reassurances, shortly afterwards Berardi will be found suicidal in his cell.
Also in this case the impression is that the “giant” dimension that linked one’s destiny to that of an ideology, passes from the positive to the negative side, in which a small and excusable fault (having mentioned a few names to get by a little ‘better, and perhaps not even that) suddenly becomes an incurable sin, something monstrous and unbearable compared to an ideological mission that remains at the center of the vision of the world and of destiny. The solution in this case is suicidal.
Mood episodes certainly both have a mood of distressing and gloomy quality, yet their essence is “maniacal” in the original sense of the word, that is, not of euphoria, but of “amplification”, “absolutization”. Melancholy itself (literally black mood) was originally defined as a form of mania (this is true especially when it comes to agitated, delusional or catastrophic depressions), in a unified vision of bipolar disorder.
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