Have you ever heard of biliary colic What it is What causes
biliary colic
What are the most common symptoms of biliary colic
What should be done in the case of biliary colic
There is a very specific diet to follow
What are the most common remedies effective
If you are looking for a detailed guide on biliary colic then you are in the right place because today we will deal with this topic, trying to understand what it is, what are the most common causes and symptoms, and, above all, also the most common treatments. effective.

What is biliary colic
Biliary colic is a very common condition that causes excruciating pain to sufferers. It is called biliary colic because, as the name suggests, it involves bile.
More precisely, with biliary colic we refer to a condition in which, due to the presence of one or more stones, the passage of bile is obstructed and, in a certain sense, obstructed.
Precisely the obstruction of this passage causes the individual to contract the gallbladder , that is the organ that collects the bile, rather intense and it is these contractions that give rise to the severe pain, typical of biliary colic.
Also, at times, the pain of biliary colic can be so strong and intense that it spreads to other areas, even the back, shoulder and right shoulder blade.
The situation of biliary colic worsens when the stones are found in the choledochus, that is the main duct in which the passage of bile takes place.

What are the most common causes of biliary colic
As we have already mentioned in the previous paragraph, the cause of biliary colic lies in the presence of stones that give rise to anomalous contractions of the gallbladder (that is, the actual colic). In medical jargon, this condition – the presence of stones in the gallbladder – is called cholelithiasis.
Therefore, to understand the causes of biliary colic well, it is important to understand what stones are. These are small pebbles that usually derive from the deposit of calcium and bilirubin crystals, but can also form due to the fact that the liver produces large quantities of cholesterol.
And it is precisely the aggregation of these stones that gives rise to the colic that causes severe and intense pain. So let’s see in the next paragraph what are the main symptoms that occur when stones hinder the passage of bile from the gallbladder to the intestine.

What are the most common symptoms of biliary colic
As it happens in most pathological conditions, even in the case of biliary colic, to understand if we are affected, we need to know well the symptoms with which it usually occurs.
The most common symptoms that occur with biliary colic are, therefore, those mentioned below:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • The stools are clear and the consistency is rather soft;
  • Sudden bouts of diarrhea
  • Jaundice
  • Subittero;
  • Intermittent and sharp pains;
  • Chills
  • The pains develop in an ascending way (ie they involve the upper areas, or rather the back, shoulder and right shoulder blade);
  • The pains can also occur several times a day.

Intuitively, when one or more of these symptoms occur, it is advisable to contact your doctor to try to solve the problem in the best possible way.
Contacting your doctor in these cases is also of fundamental importance as some of the symptoms of biliary colic can be confused with the symptoms of other pathological conditions very different from this one.

What to do in the case of biliary colic
Surely, after having subjected us to a thorough check-up at his clinic, the doctor will prescribe tests to see if it is biliary colic or not, or rather, to evaluate the presence stones in the gallbladder or choledochus .
Among the diagnostic tests that are commonly prescribed in these cases we remember:

  • ERCP, ie Transpapillary Retrograde Cholangiography which is used to evaluate the presence of very small stones at the choledochus level;
  • The CT scan is one of the many functional imaging tests, in this case useful for evaluating the presence of stones in the gallbladder;
  • The ultrasound which, like the previous one, helps us to identify the stones found in the gallbladder;
  • HIDA, ie the scan of iminodiacetic hepatobiliary acid;
  • MRI .

Each of these exams has its usefulness, but the most important is certainly the first, namely the ERCP. In fact, this innovative diagnostic test allows doctors not only to identify the smallest stones, but also to remove them during the procedure.

What are the treatments for biliary colic
In general we can say that biliary colic are sporadic episodes that tend to disappear spontaneously, without the need to resort to drugs, but this is not always the case.
Sometimes, in fact, it may be necessary to take medications to solve the problem and your doctor will recommend the best treatment for your condition.
Generally speaking, the drugs most used for the treatment of biliary colic are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the so-called NSAIDs, painkillers and antispasmodics which mainly serve to relieve the painful symptoms that characterize this condition.
You will be prescribed antibiotic drugs only and exclusively if there is a bacterial proliferation.
Finally, in the most serious cases, it may be appropriate to undergo a cholecystectomy, that is a particular surgical procedure in which the gallbladder is removed laparoscopically.

How can we prevent biliary colic
As with many other pathological conditions, even in the case of biliary colic,the best treatment is prevention. To prevent the onset of biliary colic it is important to follow some small tips that your doctor will give you, for example:

  • Remember to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day to promote the expulsion of waste products and keep your body well hydrated;
  • Do not follow drastic diets , especially those in which fasting is foreseen as it would not be good for your body;
  • Practice the right amount of physical activity without straining the body;
  • Always follow a healthy and balanced diet.

How to modify the diet in the case of biliary colic
Another remedy within everyone’s reach and absolutely low cost to prevent and to promote healing from biliary colic concerns our eating habits.
In the case of biliary colic it is in fact advisable to follow a diet low in fat, light and rich in highly digestible foods. Among the foods that your doctor will advise you in the case of biliary colic you will surely find those mentioned below:

  • Cereals;
  • Fish, fresh and frozen;
  • Fruit and vegetables;
  • The meat, especially the white one;
  • The bread;
  • Limit high-fat foods such as cheeses;
  • Limit the consumption of dairy products;
  • Prefer yogurt only if partially skimmed;
  • Avoid fried foods and fat-based sauces;
  • Limit the consumption of hard-boiled eggs.

In addition to these foods, your doctor will certainly advise you to drink plenty of water throughout the day (usually one and a half liters), so as to favor the expulsion of waste products and correct hydration of your body and prevent crystals can aggregate and form stones.
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