The day after the US president’s mission to Poland, the discussion about the words expressed by Biden about the Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin starts. He called him ” a butcher ” during a visit to Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Then, during his speech in the castle square in Warsaw , he stressed that “Putin is a dictator, he cannot stay in power”. The reactions of the Kremlin were immediate yesterday. To the definition “butcher”, Moscow reacted immediately, warning that “the margins of negotiations” in this way “shrink”. And to the fact that Putin should not remain at the helm of Russia, the answer was that “it is certainly not up to Biden to decide who should govern in the Kremlin”.
Words that have created embarrassment even in Washington.The White House , in the evening, released a note in which it remarked that Biden “was not calling for regime change in Moscow”. A ‘rectification’ that has not appeased Moscow’s anger . In these hours, Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Upper House, said that Biden makes statements with “frightening regularity” and that his words are criminal. There was a time, Kosachev said, when the words of a US president had a weight, but that’s no longer the case. Another prominent Russian parliamentarian, Vyacheslav Volodin, chairman of the Duma, accused Biden of making “non-diplomatic statements” and “hysteria”. The US president, Volodin said in a post on Telegram, “and weak, sick and unhappy. US citizens should be ashamed of their president . Maybe he’s sick. Biden would do well to undergo a medical check-up. “Putin, on the other hand, according to the leader of the Duma, deserves respect for his” restraint. ”
Today, it is not only Moscow that criticizes the words of the American president. Dissent comes from the same USA, with former diplomat Richard Haass commenting: these words have made ” a difficult situation more difficult and a dangerous situation more dangerous ” . France distances itself. President Emmanuel Macron warns of the risk of an “escalation” “minutes with Moscow, an escalation aggravated – he implies – from that nickname of” butcher “.he told the France 3 broadcaster that he aims first to “reach a ceasefire and then the total withdrawal of Russian troops through diplomacy. But if we want to do it – he said – we cannot intensify words or actions”. The EU High Representative Josep Borrell gives a voice to the European Union, who did not “hear directly what Biden said, but I saw the position of the White House. As the EU, we are not looking for regime change, our goal is to stop the Putin’s war against Ukraine “.
From Great Britain, the critical voice of the Secretary of Education, Nadhim Zahawi, rises. In statements to Sky, reported by various other media, he said that “it is up to the Russian people to decide who to be governed by”. “I think however – added Zahawi – that people in Russia are quite fed up with what is happening in Ukraine: the illegal invasion, the destruction of their own sources of livelihood. Their economy is collapsing around them and I therefore believe that the Russians will decide the fate of Putin and his acolytes “.