Stomach gas is a natural byproduct of digestion and is experienced by all people due to the accumulation of air in the stomach. Poor digestion can form gases, either by eating certain types of food, by combining them poorly, by eating large meals or by intolerance to certain foods. These can become very annoying and painful and can even cause acute pain, cramps, inflammation, tightness and even swelling and nausea.
However, it is not a problem that always requires a doctor or a pharmacist, since the symptoms can be treated by changing our lifestyle or with some home remedies.Here we give you eight methods that can help you.
Best home methods for gases
This food helps stimulate gastric fire , is anti-inflammatory and digestive, making it perfect for gases. If you take 2 or 3 times a day a clove of garlic crushed with black pepper and cumin seeds will relieve your discomfort.
2. Clove oil
Clove has carminative properties thanks to an essential oil it contains called eugenol, it is good for flatulence . Consuming clove oil after meals can increase digestive enzymes and reduce the amount of gas in the intestines.
In addition, clove is used for stomach upset and for diarrhea, hernias, and bad breath.
Some herbal teas canhelp digestion and quickly reduce gas pain. They are anti-inflammatory and have digestive properties that help in the digestion process . The most effective include teas made from:
Anise acts as a mild laxative, so avoid it if you have diarrhea. However, it can be helpful if you are constipated and have gas.
5. Apple cider vinegar and honey
In a glass of water add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and two also of honey, and you have to drink this mixture little by little during lunch or dinner. It helps to eliminate gases because it favors the regulation of stomach acids and facilitates intestinal transit.
6.Aloe Vera
Juice Aloe vera juice prevents the accumulation of toxins and microorganisms, so that it normalizes digestion and reduces problems such as gas, heartburn, peptic ulcer, abdominal swelling or irritable bowel syndrome.
7. Spices
The spices that are usually in your kitchen and that add flavor to your dishes can be of great help when you are suffering from stomach gas. Many of the herbs are carminative in nature, meaning they help expel gas and reduce bloating and distension . Some of the useful carminatives. The herbs are ginger, cinnamon, fennel, basil and cumin.
The consumption of these herbs accelerates the movement of food from the stomach to the intestine andcauses intestinal contractions to relieve gas.
8. Probiotics Probiotic
supplements provide beneficial bacteria for the intestine. They are used to treat various digestive ailments, including infectious diarrhea.
Some research suggests that certain strains of probiotics can relieve bloating, intestinal gas, abdominal pain, and other symptoms of IBS.