Oxygen therapy is one of the most popular treatments of the moment, because it has many benefits for the skin and its results are immediately visible. Here’s what it is and how much oxygen therapy costs . What is oxygen therapy? Oxygen therapy is a non-invasive oxygen-based facial treatment that provides an immediate relaxing and rejuvenating effect to the skin. The oxygen that is sprayed on the skin through the airbrush has several beneficial properties:

  • stimulates the cells of the face , which begin to produce more collagen;
  • fights free radicals;
  • gives brightness to the skin ;
  • makes the skin appear immediately toned and plumped;
  • helps reduce the effects of acne , as it reduces sebum production.

In short, a real express beauty treatment, the effects of which are immediately visible. What is oxygen
therapy for? Facial oxygen therapy is usually used in three cases:

  • for the treatment of acne;
  • for aesthetic purposes, to make the skin more toned, plumped and luminous;
  • after the summer holidays, to help the skin recover after the stress of sun exposure.

Oxygen therapy can be used on small specific areas, where wrinkles and localized imperfections are present, or, more generally, on the entire surface of the face, neck and décolleté. Oxygen therapy: when to do it and benefits
Oxygen therapy is performed with a special machine that exploits the action of hyperbaric oxygen : this, combined with other substances such as specific essences and serums, such as antioxidants, vitamins and hyaluronic acid, is applied to the face through an airbrush, which helps to push it deep into the most superficial layers of the skin.
For oxygen therapy to be successful, it must be combined with treatments that purify the skin, such as peels and purifying masks. If the epidermis is not cleansed and the pores are not open, the therapy will not be effective.
In addition to having benefits for the health of the skin, oxygen therapy is also very relaxing . Many of the people who have tried it claim to have relaxed a lot during the sessions.
As we have said, oxygen therapy is a treatment whose results are immediately visible. After the first session, the skin of the face appears more relaxed and luminous. Unfortunately, the effects of him are not permanent, especially those immediately visible, and wear off about a week after the session. Its plumping effect and stimulation of the cell regeneration process, on the other hand, last much longer. How much does oxygen therapy cost and how many sessions does it take to
get results . sitting and can even reach up to 150 euros. To affect the price are both the substances used in combination with oxygen and the size of the area to be treated.
As for the number of sessions required , it is variable and depends above all on the state of the skin at the time the treatment is started and on the results to be obtained. The first time you undergo oxygen therapy, it usually takes at least 6 sessions to have visible and lasting results. Afterwards, it will be enough to undergo one session a month to see the effects.

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