In the political-social “world” as if mad after the tragic, heinous murder in Rome of the Carabiniere, Deputy Brigadier, Mario Cerciello Rega, in the center, in Prati, in an increasingly degraded and violent Rome (but not now, the escalation beginning many years ago, at least 12, from the murder of Mrs. Reggiani not far from the center), an online attack is unleashed against Daniele Capezzone, former parliamentarian, politician and intellectual, journalist, essayist, columnist of Maurizio Belpietro’s Truth .
Capezzone is associated by “Il Foglio” by Giuliano Ferrara and Claudio Cerasa, together with Giorgia Meloni (leader of the Brothers of Italy) to a “death for the Jews”. An exit against which he has announced that he will take legal action. He himself is always a friend of Israel, as the only true cradle of Western civilization in the Middle East. This is for having written in a first hasty tweet that “North Africans” were being investigated and criticized “the journaloni” for not writing it.
Capezzone also apologized for this mistake, which the former Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni also initially ran into. But that wasn’t enough. Capezzone and then been as “stoned” by others on the web, now that he is a columnist for the “Truth”, and as such he often goes on TV, as the “turncoat”.
Yet, it sounds a bit surreal that while many over the course of a few decades have legitimately and normally changed their minds, even in the face of radical changes in the Italian and international political context, we are lashing out at Capezzone, as a sort of game a little bit aloof. massacre via social media. Or perhaps one lashes out against Capezzone because it does not belong to the so-called politically correct thought and world, dear to a certain
Capezzone establishment and former radical leader, former parliamentarian, first elected in the center-left and then with the center-right, former spokesman for the PDL, with Silvio Berlusconi reigning and then, again in the center-right area, co-founder and deputy of the Conservatives and reformists.
Meanwhile, others, in fact, had legitimately changed from former Communists to Berlusconians, in the face of an Italian earthquake, unparalleled in Europe, which saw the entire ruling class of the so-called First Republic swept away by “Clean Hands”.
But the Hon. Capezzone, as I remember as a political chronicler, has always had as a “conservative liberal, atlantist”, as he defines himself, his deep-rooted liberal and guarantee ideas, as a coherent thread of the political passion that has inspired him since he was very young .
A common thread through which he has always expressed ideas for the free market, atlantists in defense of the values ​​of Western civilization, guaranteed ideas, as his defense demonstrates, also from the columns of Truth and from his online newspaper, of which he is director, www, by Bettino Craxi and how he was eliminated from the political scene.
In my eyes this is his consistency and also a certain courage of him. That of someone who faces a still powerful Cav and broke with him. Even blatantly. Forza Italia at the time was not yet in a single figure. Capezzone had been asking for primaries ever since, which has become a topic on the agenda today, however you think about the validity or otherwise of this instrument.