We all remember the voice of the wonderful Mia Martini, born on September 20, 1947 and who died prematurely on May 12, 1995. To pay homage to her, let’s analyze the text of a wonderful song, carved in our imagination of love. We are talking about ” At least you in the universe “, the song with which Mia Martini performed in 1989 on the stage of the Ariston in Sanremo, marking her return to her stage. At least you in the Mia Martini universe
Not infrequently we feel at the mercy of chaos, confusion and instability. In some ways we are attracted to this chaos to which the city knows how to give life so well. We let ourselves be carried away by the news, by that frenzy that makes us feel on the crest of the wave. The sea is rough but we are afloat. We have no reference points but we hardly notice it, except that at a certain point we begin to turn our heads in desperate search of the shore. But everything is dark. Nothing can be seen on the horizon, if not the chaos we were delighted with until recently. And it is only in these moments that we realize that we need a fixed point, a lighthouse that, no matter how far we go from the shore, can show us the way home. People are weird
And precisely this need for a reference point that speaks of “At least you in the universe”, the song written by Bruno Lauzi and Maurizio Fabrizio in 1972 and recorded by Mia Martini only in 1989. Presented at the Sanremo Festival, it earned the singer the prize of the Criticism. People are “strange”, and “crazy”, and “lonely”, and false, self-righteous and inconsistent. But perhaps, as if in the course of the song a progressive identification with the “people” proceeded, it seems that – on closer inspection – it is possible to understand the reasons, as if what made people “strange” and “mad” was not nothing but loneliness and the lack of a fixed point. “You know, people are crazy – sings Mia Martini – maybe they are too dissatisfied, they follow the world blindly, when fashion changes they too change, continuously, foolishly”.Mia Martini, a life for music
Tonight on Rai 1 the fiction “Io sono Mia”, the biopic on the life of Mia Martini, will be broadcast. Let’s retrace the history of the great singer-songwriter together. At least you
But this is a love letter dedicated to that “You”, a person who is different and who manages to make those close to him different too. “You, you who are different, at least you in the universe, you are a point, which never revolves around me – the song goes – A sun that shines only for me, like a diamond in the middle of the heart”. Yes, because the world moves and changes at a speed that often seems unsustainable to us and the risk of losing the compass is high if we do not have someone to hold on to. And this is what is asked in this letter, not to change: “You, you who are different, at least you in the universe! You will not change, tell me that you will always be sincere and that you will really love me more, more, more… “.

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