Last April, the Challenge “Happy Whale” was born in Brazil, aiming at the happiness of those who decide to follow the rules.
The rules are always articulated in 50 days, but they aim to encourage children and young people to love others, to give smiles and to have more self-esteem.
A graphic designer and a publicist have joined forces to create the ‘ Pink Whale’ or ‘Baleia Rosa’ game , the aim of which is to save a life.
This challenge contrasts with the more famous “Blue Whale” and has the intention of countering it in a positive and constructive way.
The “Blue Whale”, which has become “news” in recent weeks, summing up an extreme challenge on the internet, which has intrigued and sometimes involved children and adolescents who can participate, unaware of the risks and to varying degrees, in the “challenge” which consists of 50 different tasks assigned by a “curator” for each player. “Tasks” ranging from waking up in the middle of the night, to self-harming acts such as “cutting” (cutting oneself with sharp objects). The media report that if the participant fails to complete an activity, he may even be threatened by some anonymous “remote” curator.
All this is effectively dealt with by the Postal Police with prevention and information programs.
The ‘Pink Balena’ or ‘Baleia Rosa’ game takes its cue from a project called
“Pinksie the Whale” or simply “Pinksie”, a project born in London in 2012 with the aim of teaching children to celebrate diversity, to be imaginative, to help and heal others.
Pinksie’s activities are inspired by the books of “Pinksie the Whale”, a brave little pink whale who through her adventures overcomes the fear of being different.
In the third book of the series, “Pinksie the Whale. A third helping!”, Pinksie embarks on a journey that will lead her, through the discovery of the culinary habits of many countries of the world, to tackle important issues: couragewhich is used to fight and solve difficulties, the ability to cultivate trust in oneself and in the people who are close to them, the sharing of problems and joys with friends, brothers, sisters, parents.
EQUIVOCAL Pinksie, who inspired the Brazilian creatives with their positive “challenge” for children and adolescents, however, should not be confused with “Pink Whale” which has another meaning .
In English “pink whale” is an idiomatic way to indicate when, following the first sexual intercourse, a girl produces bleeding.
The educational project can be seen as a form of “early prevention”, done through a positive education in the collaboration and sharing, in a small group aimed at children, of values ​​and methods of interaction and learning that form the basis on which , as they grow up, they will be able to learn more easily group work, always having their own individuality firm and clear their identity, which includes the specificities of each one and the possible diversities, seen as a “characteristic” or an “added value”, not a problem.
The project is slowly expanding into other languages ​​such as Spanish and English.
Being the opposite of ‘Blue Whale’,the brazilian “challenge” does not have an assigned curator but is open to all , it has many challenges designed for adolescents that may be perceived as difficult, but which are not harmful, but help to put fears to escape, taking on the “challenge” “shared on the net and playing with other children and adolescents.
It is possible to hypothesize a further extension of the “challenge” , which can make children and adolescents passionate about foreign languages ​​and can be used to expand the ways of learning new the form of constructive “challenge” and creative play.