It is a disorder that affects everyone sooner or later. Recent estimates even speak of 80% of the population. Back pain affects people of all sexes and races and it seems that there is a constant increase in symptoms even in the very young. The reason
The use of PCs, smartphones and related sedentary life. Back pain, try the anti- inflammatory relaxing bath
One of the first things to do is to allow the back muscles to relax. When nerves and muscles are in tension, in fact, they cause serious problems of contractures that can give rise to more or less intense pain. This is why it is essential to dedicate moments of absolute relaxation to yourself. And the lukewarm bath is certainly an excellent method for this. To obtain an anti-inflammatory effect, you can add a kilo of whole sea salt (or, better still, Epson salts) to which a few drops of essential oil of marjoram, basil, Scots pine and eucalyptus will be added. Boswelia, great for reducing inflammation in back pain
Boswelia Sacra or Carterii – aka incense – is one of the remedies validated by science that is most indicated against various types of inflammation. Among these is also excellent use – orally or topically – in case of joint, bone or muscle inflammation. So if this is your case, you can rely on creams based on this ingredient or some supplement for oral use. It goes without saying that in case of persistent pain it is essential to refer to your doctor both on the nature of the pain and on the possible contraindication of the product. Brown millet powder for back pain
Millet is a cereal that we all know very well. Perhaps, however, we have less in mind the brown variety, of wild origin. It is an extraordinarily rich food in silicon that helps protect joints and improve functional flexibility. Brown millet can be found in organic food stores or health food stores in the form of a very fine powder. It is an excellent addition to milk, yogurt or soups. It can be accompanied by nettle teas or horsetail decoctions that increase the supply of silicon. The latter must be prepared by bringing the horsetail to a boil for at least an hour and a half in order to extract large quantities of this mineral. katiVasti to reduce back pain and stiffness
It is a remedy directly taken from the millenary Ayurvedic knowledge. If you have the help of a person, it can also be done comfortably at home. KatiVasti is a particular technique that is part of Indian purification treatments such as Panchakarma and Purvakarma. Its purpose is to improve muscle flexibility, allow better movement to the back and make the joints more functional. Preparing it is very simple: you take 50 grams of wholemeal flour and 50 grams of chickpea flour. They are mixed with a little water until a soft and easily workable mixture is obtained. From this a sort of salami is formed which will then be closed in a ring. The circle thus obtained is applied to the area where the pain is felt. Then the lower edge is pressed very well so that it adheres perfectly well to the skin. At this point, add some warmed medicated oil or a mixture of 80% extra virgin olive oil and 20% mustard oil. To enhance the effect, you can also add a few drops of essential oil of marjoram and basil. Leave it on for about half an hour, taking care to keep the oil warm by adding it from time to time. At the end of the treatment, the oil must be eliminated by soaking some cotton. Leave it on for about half an hour, taking care to keep the oil warm by adding it from time to time. At the end of the treatment, the oil must be eliminated by soaking some cotton. Leave it on for about half an hour, taking care to keep the oil warm by adding it from time to time. At the end of the treatment, the oil must be eliminated by soaking some cotton.Tuina massage against back
pain Massages can also be performed to reduce pain. Among the best is an ancient Chinese massage called Tuina. According to expert Marco Superbi, just below the gluteal fold there are a couple of acupuncture points which, by stimulating them with the fingers, reduce pain: urinary bladder 36, urinary bladder 37 and urinary bladder 40.