“Hired by Leonardo Augusto Rubei, spokesman for the Foreign Minister, Di Maio. From 1 July it will be in the International Relations area ”, Il Sole 24 Ore wrote today. Who is Rubei, the whole full curriculum
“Hired by Leonardo Augusto Rubei, spokesman for the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio. From 1 July it will be in the International Relations area, reorganized by the CEO Alessandro Profumo, one step below the head of the area. That will not be the diplomat Alessandro de Pedys ”.
This is what the newspaper Sole 24 Ore writes today.
“Raised at the Asca press agency under the wing of Gianfranco Astori (current advisor to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella)”, wrote the Adn-Kronos days ago, “in 2014 he embarked on the path of political consultant working first with politicians of various parties (including Pd, Forza Italia, Lega and Udc) and then with the Foreign and Defense commissions of the M5S parliamentary group in the Chamber of Deputies. He has always defined himself as autonomous and independent “.
“Former spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, Rubei took office at the Farnesina in 2019 with the arrival of Luigi Di Maio. The communicative turning point and the more institutional and pro-Atlantic profile of Di Maio in the last period has mainly been attributed to him ”, underlined the news agency Adn-Kronos.
According to Il Sole 24 Ore Alessandro De Pedys, international relations manager of the Leonardo group, left the group active in aerospace and defense after 16 months.
The top manager Paolo Messa, publisher of Formiche, Formiche.net and Airpress, remains without office, after being replaced a year ago as head of Institutional Relations in Italy when Filippo Maria Grasso was appointed: for a year the chronicles tell that Messa e in waiting to be appointed Leonardo’s “ambassador” to the United States.
There will be news with the release of De Pedys Here is the complete curriculum of Augusto Rubei: PERSONAL INFORMATION
Augusto Rubei, professional journalist
Italian Nationality
Date of birth 15/09/1985WORK EXPERIENCE
April 2018-June 2018
M5S Senate of the Republic Parliamentary group
Journalist, full editor Responsible for communication of foreign commissions, defense, EU policies.
Relations with the media and with institutional subjects
May 2014-2017
M5S Chamber of Deputies Parliamentary group
Journalist, full editor Responsible for communication of foreign commissions, defense, EU policies,
Cie-Cara commission of inquiry and Aldo Moro commission of inquiry. Relations with the media and with institutional subjects
Macchioni Communications Carpe Diem srl Political and institutional communication company
Ghostwriter, speechwriter for several MEPs and MEPs, including important public figures. Collaboration agreement, consultancy Press releases, drafting of texts for interventions in the classroom, drafting of interventions in party conferences and congresses, care of social platforms
February 2011-February 2014
ASCA news agency, via Ennio Quirino Visconti 8, zip code 00193, Rome. Abete Group, director Gianfranco Astori National daily press agency
Journalist, ordinary editor, with carrying out the journalistic apprenticeship. Foreign, Economic, Interior Editors. For three years I have constantly followed the work of the Farnesina (ministers Frattini, Giulio Terzi and Emma Bonino), as well as numerous international summits. I dealt with the Arab springs following the developments in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya. I followed phase two in Iraq and the Afghan scenario. ELECTORAL CAMPAIGNS
-2018 Political elections, prime minister candidate Luigi Di Maio, in the role of head of relations with the foreign press;
-2018 Regional elections of Lazio, candidate Ono Roberta Lombardi, in the role of head of relations with the media and institutional subjects;
-2016 Administrative elections for the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, in the role of campaign manager, spokesperson, spin doctor, responsible for relations with the media and institutional subjects.
Other collaborations and publications for print and / or online editions of:
La Repubblica, l’Espresso, Limes, Il Tempo, Huffington Post, FanPage.it, Mix 24 (Radio 24-11 Sole 24 Ore), Il Fatto Quotidiano, Globalist. it, Letter 43, DIRE news agency. EDUCATION AND TRAINING
December 2013
State exam for professional journalists
Public law, constitutional law, criminal procedure, history of journalism, ethics of journalism Professional journalist, registered in the regional register of Lazio, card number 077567
La Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Communication Sciences, “Publishing and Journalism” degree course, President Mario Morcellini Public law, constitutional law, political economy, sociology, sociology of journalism, semiotics, theories and techniques of communication, history contemporary, radio journalism, television journalism, philosophy Bachelor’s degree with a thesis entitled “Equalization Law: divide between journalism and the political system”, supervisor Dr. Francesco Giorgino
British Council, British international body for cultural relations and educational opportunities, via delle Quattro Fontante 1009, zip code 00184, Rome. CEFR level 82 diploma, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
October 2008- January 2009
University of Tor Vergata, professional sports journalism course (limited number) conducted by Rai, Sky, La Repubblica journalists, DIRE agency Television journalism, radio journalism, agency journalism, sports journalism, history of sport Attendance certification (training credits) , access to internships in a national newspaper.
ENGLISH Reading skills Excellent • Writing skills Good Speaking skills Good
speaking SPANISH • Reading skills Excellent • Writing skills Excellent Speaking skills Excellent oral
FRENCH • Reading skills Good • Writing skills Sufficient • Expression skills Sufficient oralTEACHINGS AND PARTICIPATIONS AS AN EXPERT IN RADIO AND TELEVISION TRANSMISSIONS
-2018, teaching at the Master in Political Management-LUISS School of Government (Sole 24 Ore, Business School)
-2017, teaching of political and institutional communication aimed at the young ambassadors of One in within the “ONE Youth Ambassador”
-2015 program, Speaker at the i / OFF Festival of Pisa. Invited as an expert on Islamic terrorism, teaching and in-depth study on the use of social networks by jihadist cells.
-2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. Occasionally invited as a foreign policy expert in various radio and television and international broadcasts: Agora (Rai 3), Uno Mattina (Rai 1), Radio3 Mondo (Radio Rai), La Vita live (Rai 1 ), Radio Radio, Sette Giorni (Rai Parliament), Press Tv (Anglo-Iranian television broadcaster, channel owned by the IRIB, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting).