Last Wednesday, September 22, at 9:21 p.m., we said goodbye to summer, although the eternal days of sunshine and the intense heat that we have experienced at times may have confused us. This year the ‘verono’ has lasted longer than usual, but this weekend ends definitively with the arrival of a deep storm that will leave rain and cold on the bridge of Todos los Santos. In addition, the early hours of Saturday, October 30 to Sunday, October 31, the winter time change will take place . At 3 in the morning it will become 2 and we will beat the clock by an hour… and sleep. From there we will notice that it dawns earlier and we go to work or study centers with the sun already illuminating the mornings very early;and it gets dark earlier too, enjoying shorter afternoons and having the feeling that you have fewer options to take advantage of the days.
The time change always occurs on the last Sunday of October. This is an initiative that has been in force for almost fifty years to promote energy savings and take advantage of the hours of natural light, but it may soon end, since the European Parliament has approved that each country can set its final time and adopt or not this winter time change , something they will have to decide next April. The experts have it clear: it is necessary to suppress the time change in winter due to the negative impact it has on people’s health
Automatic change in mobile devices
What we have to do is turn back the clock, so the substantial change is that on Sunday we will have a 25-hour day, an extra hour that everyone can take advantage of as they see fit. Sleep, play sports, read, skip ahead to a chapter in your favorite series or move to that destination where you are going to spend the festive day on Monday, for example.
It will not be the only short-term change, since it is common for many people to experience this change in vital rhythm, at least in the first few weeks, with problems adjusting to sleep and a feeling of tiredness during the day. This is the second time change of 2021 and possibly the one that is most difficult for the human body to accept.
Phones and tablets usually update the time, but if we will have to change it in wall clocks, some appliances and many car models
It is not difficult to assimilate it so much to mobile devices, which usually update the time automatically, freeing us from the typical scares of going to appointments in advance, but if we will be forced to make them in analog devices that we may have in our homes, such as wall clocks , or in some appliances , as well as in many of the cars .