A delicate, almost scabrous topic: how we get to ask ourselves if dogs are better than children
Before being covered in insults and being pointed out as crazy, let’s stop for a moment. Despite romanticism and cultural conventions, there is still so much purely animal in having children.
You don’t even need to want them because they come and parent you and it’s not biology to make you a child. That the being in front of you is genetically connected to you says practically nothing about who and how it will be, how you will find yourself with him / her, the relationship that will develop with him / her, how he will treat you, and, in the end, not even of the love that there will be towards him / her and from him / her towards you.
Among other things, some time ago we saw that dogs are like children, which is scientifically proven: hormonal measurements and behavioral observations have led many scholars to establish that the bond that is formed between dogs and owners is comparable to that between parents and children. humans and that the role of owners for dogs is comparable to that of parents for human children.
It is no coincidence that for many who have no children, dogs replace offspring. So far we are, if they were even better than the children
. Let’s do some small reflections.

  • The difference between happening and choosing
  • The ancient art of gratitude
  • Growth and detachment
  • The harmony
  • The impossible abandonment
  • Better than children: yes or no

The difference between happening and choosing
It may seem absurd, but the reality is that unlike children, the dog does not happen to you. You have to want it and you have to choose it. It’s not that you can choose it, you have to choose it. You have to spend hours and hours evaluating, considering, deepening, and before taking it you have to know it, because you have to get the right dog for you. Really wanting the dog and choosing it well is the closest thing there is to a blank check for a happy life together. The ancient art of gratitude
Dogs realize what you do for them, they don’t take it for granted, they are gratefuland reciprocate your commitment to them. Attention, we do not say that all children are ungrateful, but the truth is that (also thanks to the different phases of life, see adolescence) it is very rare to find a human child, even the most available, who feels the same participation and same interest in common life. Growth and detachment
You see dogs grow, evolve, mature and the more they find and express themselves thanks to your guidance, your protection, your respect, the more it structures and strengthens the bond with them. For human children, taking flight in life also means cutting the umbilical cord and one of the parent’s tasks is to accompany and encourage detachment, while the growth of dogs always takes place under the protective wings of their humans. With them, the detachment when it arrives, unfortunately always too soon, is definitive. The harmony
The more dogs grow, the more they bond. And the more the bond increases, the more harmony, harmony and understanding with their humans increase. Having reached a certain point in life together, a glance is really enough to understand each otherand know what the other thinks and wants. Usually between children and parents it is the other way around: the more we grow up, the more we differentiate ourselves, the more misunderstandings there are . Sometimes they smooth out with maturity, often they stay for life. Impossible abandonment
Dogs do not reject you and do not abandon you, as human children are capable of doing, even towards parents who have done everything for them. With dogs you don’t feel misunderstood or a burden, as your children know how to make you feel. Dogs relieve loneliness as human children are unlikely to do.
Some might say yes, but the love of children is not replicated. It comes to answer with Schopenhauer’s famous quote according to which those who have never had a dog do not know what it means to be loved. And not much of an exaggeration
. We have seen it several times: dogs are able to give something that no human, not even the one you love the most, is able to give you. It is one of the great mysteries of the nature of dogs and their relationship with humans. Better than children: yes or no
It is also true that dogs do not give things that children give so, in conclusion, all things considered I believe that in the end we cannot give an absolutely valid answer if dogs are better than children. For some they probably are, for others not, for others just the idea is so offensive that you can’t even talk about it.
One thing is certain: the nature of dogs and of the human-canine bond are such that with the quadrupedal creature you can have a relationship of intensity and richness such as to be able to serenely compete with that which you can have with your children.

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