Summer seems to be getting closer and closer and the race to get back into shape starts, especially in a period that sees closed gyms and beauty centers. The training becomes homemade as well as the treatments to help water retention and cellulite to disappear. There are many effective products , based on their active ingredients, but it is also possible to create muds and packs at home , simply by using ingredients found in the kitchen. Arm yourself with cling film, coveralls so as not to stain everything around you and half an hour of time to dedicate to perform the treatments and say hello to cellulite!
Source: 123rf Do-it-yourself mud with cocoa and coffee to fight cellulite
A first effective recipe against cellulite blemishes and which gives excellent results when combined with a healthy diet and physical exercise , and the coffee and cocoa wrap . Easy to prepare , it has a very low cost , precisely because it uses ingredients that we all have in the kitchen. The theobromine contained in cocoa, in fact, stimulates lipolysis , nourishes the skin and makes it appear smoother and more compact . Caffeine _, on the other hand, it has long-known properties and is often used in anti-cellulite products . Contains antioxidants , stimulates microcirculation , promotes the reduction of water retention and helps fight orange peel skin .
Preparing them is very simple because you need few ingredients : 8 teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa powder , 4 teaspoons of coarse salt , 2 3/4 cup mocha coffee grounds (not the coffee powder, but just what remains after preparing the coffee), water or another anti- cellulite infusion andessential oils . Mix the ingredients and add water or green tea, for example, until the consistency of a cream is reached . It must not be too liquid a mixture, otherwise it will cholera, but not too thick or it will come off into small pieces. It is applied on the affected areas, especially thighs, buttocks and hips and left on for half an hour or an hour , wrapping the legs with cling film or with suitable coveralls for these treatments.
It would be better to repeat the pack at least 3 times a week for the first month, as a shock treatment, and then space out the applications a little more, repeating themonce a week and then every two as a maintenance .
Source: 123rf Mud with clay, seaweed, sea salt and essential oils, to be customized according to your needs
Another excellent DIY recipe to combat water retention and cellulite involves the use of clay , fucus seaweed and sea salt which combined with essential oils are a perfect cocktail for body skin care. The clay , in fact, absorbs excess liquids thanks to the mineral salts and has a detoxifying effect , while the fucusand a seaweed that promotes drainage , is an antioxidant and counteracts skin aging. Sea salt also has a slimming and draining effect , thus helping to reduce water retention, all combined with essential oils with excellent results on this type of problem. Among the most recommended are juniper , mint and red vine , which reactivate the circulation and are excellent for heavy legs, invigorating rosemary , firming cinnamon , stimulating sweet orange and lemon , ivy anddraining birch , nettle and horse chestnut .
Also in this case the preparation is really simple: mix 1 / 2kg of green clay in fine powder and 200g of fucus with water or an infusion, mixing with a wooden spoon (the metal reacts with the clay), the sea salt is added and a soft and smooth cream is obtained, without lumps. Then add the essential oils and spread the mixture on the legs, wrapping them with cling film and leaving on for half an hour or 45 minutes .
Source: 123rf Slimming, anti-water retention and anti-cellulite actives: here’s how to choose the most effective products
For those who do not love DIY, there are also numerous muds andtreatments to combat orange peel skin, to be used that are already ready to use . The most famous are the seaweed mud , which, as in the case of do-it-yourself recipes, has a longer exposure time , from half an hour to an hour. However, there are also faster versions , to be kept in place for 10 to 15 minutes and which are a valid help against cellulite , especially because they do not require a lot of time to apply and therefore it is easier to be constant . Another treatment, however, excellent for water retention and for an immediate slimming effect , are thesaline bandages , bandages impregnated with salts and other active ingredients, to be rolled up on all legs, stomach and hips and left on for an hour. They have a very high draining power and it is therefore advisable to drink water during the treatment, but the effect is guaranteed and the legs will immediately be more deflated and lighter .
Source: Seta Beauty – Water Retention Body Mud

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