Bebe Vio is truly unstoppable! Months of preparation without distractions, maximum concentration and great determination: these are all the ingredients of his success.
At the Paralympic Fencing World Championships in Rome she is the real star, who manages to win another gold with that determination that represents her.
One test after another won with great skill: after having easily reached the quarter-finals she clashed with the Georgian Irma Khetsuriani, beaten for 15-5 and then in the semifinals with the Russian Irina Mishurova beaten for 15-1.
In the final she confronted the Russian Viktoria Boykova, but even for her there was no hope of getting the better of a very charged Bebe Vio who beats her by 15-3.
First place eanother gold medal to add to his trophies. Great joy also on the part of his team, starting with Luca Pancalli, the president of the Italian Paralympic Committee, who comments on the umpteenth victory of the blue:
It is the umpteenth success of an extraordinary athlete, the confirmation of a great champion , a cricket on the platform. Today she was very excited, but she translates it all into energy and charge. What else can she do after two world gold medals and an Olympic success?
Bebe can do everything
The great foil player still gives our country satisfaction. After the Rio de Janeiro Olympic gold in 2016 and the 2015 world gold in Hungary, here comes another gold in this young girl’s ever-growing career.
Many have asked her what gives her so much energy and energy and, after yesterday’s victory, she couldn’t help but confess that she has a secret linked to music and in particular to the singer-songwriter Jovanotti . A great fan of Bebe Vio, the singer also dedicated an absolutely unreleased track to her (out with the new album tomorrow 10 November).
The song, entitled “Oh, life”, was written with Bebe Vio in mind and she was the only one to have listened to it in advance.
Jovanotti sent me his new song, I’m very happy. It was nice to hear her unedited song and hum it in my head during the race, even though I was afraid that something could be understood. It helped me a lot, the text has a great meaning: Lorenzo is great and I thank him
But then he immediately adds to reassure his friend:
I hummed it a thousand times, it helped me on this eve of the races, but Lorenzo, don’t worry, nobody has heard it.We
are sure that this song and the support of all of Italy will give it. the strength and determination necessary to face the next challenge that awaits her on Saturday in the team test, the most feared by the champion.
The most important race is on Saturday, in teams! I’m experiencing great emotions that only sport can give you. Winning at home is even more beautiful because here are all the loved ones watching you. I am happy above all for this: confirming it has a different flavor because this world triumph comes after Rio and I have prepared myself even better than the Paralympics. But now let’s think about the team match on Saturday. Winning alone is beautiful, as a team is wonderful