Getting over a breakup is never easy. Doing it with the eyes of millions of people on it makes everything even more difficult. Yet Ambra Angiolini is trying, she has collected the pieces of her shattered heart and put the pieces back together to move forward, minimizing comments on her personal story and letting only her work speak for her, including cinema. , radio and theater.
Now the actress talks about her in an interview with the Messenger, retracing her career, from her beginnings on television as a protagonist to Non and Rai, to the fight against prejudices about her up to the discovery of acting, of cinema. There is room for a different Amber, far from gossip, the one that highlights her personal growth, as a woman and as a mother.Ambra Angiolini, the melancholy but optimistic phrase
“Scars are opportunities. I happened to transform them thanks to the cinema “, Ambra admitted during the interview, explaining how her work was useful to exorcise what happened to her and to bring thoughts and emotions into her characters, making them real, credible, humans.
The reference to Massimiliano Allegri is inevitable and the stormy end of their story, made even more complicated by the betrayal and the aftermath of gossip. When asked directly, Ambra replies: “I don’t want to touch on that subject, I prefer to let my work speak for itself”. But it is precisely from this no comment that it is evident that the wound is still open, too deep to have already closed and healed.Ambra Angiolini, bulimia and rebirth
During the interview Ambra did not shy away from her past, her moments of difficulty: she spoke openly about bulimia, which she suffered for years and with which she managed to deal The bills. Now that she has also overcome this adversity, with strength and suffering, Ambra wanted to share the discomfort she felt in all those years and the awareness that it is possible to heal.
“Today I have a beautiful project in which I deeply believe: to animate small theatrical workshops for students in Milan and focused on eating disorders. I would like to make girls understand how wrong is the obsession with the body that has ruined so many people. I wanted to post the report broadcast by Rai about my 18 years: it began with a close-up of my butt and the announcement that I had finally lost the extra pounds. Today such a thing would not even be conceivable ”. Ambra, the return to cinema as a cubist
In her latest film, The Longest Night of the Year, in cinemas from January 27, Ambra plays Luce, a cubist who after so many years, is a father to look after (Alessandro Haber), would like to change her life but it’s not that simple and a very long night seems impossible to overcome. “In this desperate woman I have put my pain and my experience “, she confessed to Repubblica.
In the spring we will then see her again directed by Ferzan Ozpetek for The ignorant fairies – The series, while she is currently engaged in a theatrical tour with The Knot. In short, the commitments are not lacking even if to recover the serenity it will still take some time.