The long blond hair and the naughty (but very sweet) smile he inherited from his mother: the very young Mia is the protagonist of a fun social ballet together with Alessia Marcuzzi , and it is impossible not to be surprised by their similarity. But the video tells us much more, and a splendid tribute to the wonderful relationship that binds mother and daughter, even more after the difficult moment they had to go through. Alessia Marcuzzi and Mia, the very sweet ballet
A slightly rock music base (a reinterpretation of One Direction, to be more precise) and an exceptional duo: this is all that is needed to create a curtain that has been able to conquer everyone. Alessia Marcuzzi and her daughter Mia gave themselves a ballet to the notes of an old success of the English band, which is back in fashion in this period on TikTok. And together they are really fantastic, they have a harmony that we cannot but envy . Theirs, on the other hand, is a special relationship and this video is just the umpteenth testimony.
To leave you breathless, in addition to the beautiful bond that emerges between mother and daughter, and also their incredible similarity. Mia really took everything from Marcuzzi, and by now she has become a very pretty little girl – who has already exceeded her mother’s shoulder, in her height! And since time really never seems to pass for the presenter (despite being on the verge of a very important birthday), she and her daughter could easily be mistaken for sisters. Seeing them together is wonderful, especially now that they are back to smiling next to each other . Alessia Marcuzzi, the relationship with Mia
In recent weeks, Marcuzzi has had to face a difficult momentright together with Mia: the daughter, who tested positive, remained in isolation in her room for some very long days, close to her family and yet so far away. And it was at this juncture that Alessia discovered how much her second child – born from the relationship she had in the past with Francesco Facchinetti – had now grown up. As a (finally) aware mother, she wrote a beautiful letter that she shared on Instagram, telling about herself with her heart in hand and moving all her followers.
In these days, Marcuzzi has learned so much about her from her daughter, he understood that the little girl he once cradled in his arms has left room for a mature and responsible girl, but that does not mean that she no longer needs her mother. And perhaps the presenter could not have been happier with her decision to take a break from TV, to devote herself more to her family. A few months ago, Alessia had in fact announced that she wanted to put her career on standby – news that had given way to a myriad of indiscretions.
Just a few days ago and returned to the issue, explaining that she only wants to go back to work when she feels ready again. For the moment, therefore, the talented presenter prefers to concentrate all her efforts on the family dimension, aware that there will always be a new professional opportunity for her. But these moments next to her children will never return, and now she wants to enjoy them as much as possible .

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