What are aerophagia, meteorism and flatulence
They are conditions with similar effects, but of different origin.

  • Aerophagia. Literally it is «eating air», that is, we swallow air in an anomalous way, especially during meals.
  • Meteorism. Unlike aerophagia, it is not the presence of air in the stomach or abdomen due to ingestion, but of gases generated in the intestine as a result of the fermentation of food substances.
  • Flatulence. And the consequence of the formation of gases. When these gases seek a way out of the body (usually rectally), flatulence arises.

What are the causes of aerophagia, meteorism and flatulence
The causes are different

  • Aerophagia. As mentioned the main cause is the ingestion of air. But the ingestion of air can in turn have several reasons, including eating too fast, talking while eating, drinking fizzy drinks, chewing gum. And then states of anxiety (with consequent “hunger” for air), stress. Other factors can be pregnancy, gastric ulcer, hiatal hernia etc.
  • Meteorism. Meteorism is also subject to different types of flu. Among these, anxiety and stress can cause the abnormal formation of gas (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane). But more often it is mechanical factors such as the intake and consequent fermentation of foods such as dairy products, artificial sweeteners and sweeteners, cellulose, fiber (generally from fruit and vegetables). There may also be lactose or gluten intolerance (even celiac disease).
  • Flatulence. Flatulence is a direct consequence of aerophagia and meteorism. And the emission of gases rectally, often foul-smelling. The cause is therefore to be found in the presence of the two aforementioned conditions.

What are the symptoms of aerophagia, meteorism and flatulence
The main symptoms are

  • Aerophagia. It usually manifests itself as a feeling of fullness in the stomach, pain in the stomach and abdomen, belching.
  • Meteorism. Feeling of tension in the abdomen. Hard belly. Abdominal pain (colic may also occur), a sense of movement in the bowels and grumbling. Other symptoms may be loss of appetite, constipation, gas (often foul-smelling).
  • Flatulence. Flatulence and intestinal gas emission. Some daily and physiological emissions. We talk about flatulence when the episodes are recurrent and repeated.

How to get a diagnosis of aerophagia and meteorism
The diagnosis is made by the doctor (gastroenterologist). Excluding underlying systemic diseases, even serious ones, we generally rely on the symptoms, the diet followed by the person and other parameters. Such as traditional cures and natural remedies for aerophagia, meteorism and flatulence
Depending on the problem there may be different types of treatment or cure. If behind these conditions there are real diseases, the treatments will be decided by the treating doctor from case to case. In other ways, there are traditional treatments

  • Aerophagia. Against aerophagia, treatments are used to reduce digestive gases. For example, your doctor may advise you to avoid the intake of carbonated drinks, chewing gum and try to eat more slowly (chewing well) and while sitting.
  • Meteorism. In this case it will be possible to prescribe the intake of lactic ferments and probiotics to regulate the intestinal bacterial flora. Likewise, a diet that excludes all foods that can cause excessive intestinal fermentation or intolerances may be prescribed. Some of the substances that cause gas are lactose, fructose, sorbitol, raffinose (found in legumes).
  • Flatulence. The approach is similar to that for meteorism.

Natural remedies

  • Aerophagia, meteorism and flatulence. Acting on one of these conditions, however, affects the others, so in general the remedies are good in all cases. Among the several: reduce stress and any anxiety with herbs and relaxation techniques. For example, herbal teas of lemon balm , hawthorn, peppermint. Among the techniques, excellent and mindfulness (or mindfulness meditation). Other gas remedies are fennel seeds to be taken in the form of a decoction, after meals. Aniseed , to be chewed after meals. Ginger is also effective thanks to its anti-inflammatory action. Another “absorbent” remedy is charcoal, better if taken in powder (diluted in warm water) than in tablets.
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