Teleworking, hours in front of the screen, poor sleeping postures or changes in habits to a more sedentary life, are some of the activities that, after quarantine, end in back and neck pain. Globally, 540 million people suffer from back pain.And to end them and contractures, it is well known that the best thing is a good massage. But it is not the only alternative to reduce muscle tension and even to relax. Here we tell you the reasons for the viral acupressuremats ,a very useful accessory to relieve pain and whose use is quite simple.
Acupressure is an ancient technique that was born in traditional Chinesemedicine and was also used by the Greeks and Romans as a healing method. It shares pressure points with acupuncture and reflexology, activating the body by exerting pressure, so that it relieves possible muscle discomfort and stimulates blood circulation.They claim that you can reduce anxiety, release body tension, increase blood circulation, improve metabolism and reduce pain.
The mat is a mat covered with plastic spikes that simulate the lotus flower. The shape of the spikes is not random, in fact it is perfect for skin acupressure and manages to relieve stress , muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, back pain, circulatory problems, overloads in the cervical and lumbar area, etc.
Acupressure is a type of alternative therapy, it cannot cure an illness. You can get good results naturally, but it’s not magical. In fact, you have to use it in moderation, and taking into account that it is recommended to do it in direct contact with the skin. In addition, they say that the time should not exceed 30 minutes , nor be less than 15, if we really want to notice the results.
Acupuncture mats can help us relieve muscle overload (back, neck, sciatica and cramps), in addition to improving blood circulation in our body, which undoubtedly contributes to rapid muscle recovery. Among other advantages of having these products, we can mention that they increase the flow of energy so that we can benefit from quality rest, something that also helps relieve tension.
It is also believed that, thanks to the analgesic endorphins, they can help treat headaches and migraines on a daily basis. However, acupressure mats provide a similar contribution to that of electric heating pads: they have their therapeutic effectbut it is limited, so if muscle ailments are serious and persistent, it is recommended to consult a specialist to start a more appropriate medical treatment.
Its use is also not advisable for those who have sensitive and atopic skin, because, although the mats are made of hypoallergenic materials, they leave the treated area reddened due to the pressure exerted by the filaments. In a few minutes, the skin returns to its natural state, but it is not advisable to multiply the possibilities of irritation for those who suffer from atopic ailments.