Beyond the banality of football, Claudio Marchisio stands out for the depth and complexity of his reflections. To pre-packaged statements to be fed to the media, the former Juve prefers a never banal social post often on current issues. The last concerns Silvia Romano, the Italian volunteer kidnapped in Kenya on 20 November and plunged into the silence of the press and TV. «90 days will always be too short to lose hope and the strength to remember Silvia every day and ask that everything possible be done to bring her home». Twenty days ago, the Principino had instead dealt with Sardinian shepherds and their battle for the price of milk: “Sardinia and the hearts of extraordinary men and women […] I love your land and I am close to you”. 110 thousand likes from its 4 million followers on Instagram.
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90 days may be enough to prepare for an exam, to heal from an injury, you can even learn a few sentences in Russian … But they are and will always be too few to lose the hope and strength to remember Silvia every day and ask that all the possible to bring her home. Every day #SilviaRomano
A post shared by Claudio Marchisio (@ marchisiocla8) on: Feb 26, 2019 at 11:41 am PST
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Before the breathtaking landscapes Before the crystal clear water Before good food Sardinia and the heart of extraordinary men and women, who wake up at dawn and do a backbreaking job and who only ask for milk to be paid fairly I love your land and I am close to you ❤ #iostoconipastorisardi #pastorisardi
A post shared by Claudio Marchisio (@ marchisiocla8) on: Feb 11, 2019 at 10:43 am PST
“I’m a free man”
The midfielder, born in 1986 with 55 appearances in the national team, packed his bags from his Turin last summer . He realized he was too much in his juventus He , the club no longer considered him up to par and looked elsewhere. Marchisio thus chose Russia and Zenit St. Petersburgto start over. The season in the former Leningrad goes on with ups and downs, 15 total appearances (often starting from the bench) and two goals. But the former enfant prodige of the bianconera cantera interested in football life up to a certain point. He is breaking free from the muffled image of the luxury and sequin football player to establish himself as a committed athlete. Also taking his fair share of insults from professional haters.
I think I’m free, like you, to be able to think and comment. Here we are not talking about money, but about the possibility of living, of escaping from wars, from violent people
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Your eyes, your smile, your example, your generosity have always been stronger than a cursed and cowardly destiny that you have ridiculed with your strength. Your message from a few days ago, words that I will keep forever in my heart. Marisa you are a special woman, indeed much more. ♥ ️
A post shared by Claudio Marchisio (@ marchisiocla8) on Jan 25, 2019 at 1:43 am PST
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I was as tall as a coffee table, skinny skinny and super excited. I remember well the first time I shook the lawyer’s hand, my story in black and white had just begun, and from that moment I understood that I had a responsibility. #gianniagnelli # 16years #memories
A post shared by Claudio Marchisio (@ marchisiocla8) on Jan 24, 2019 at 1:42 am PST
With refugees
And so, between a photo of family moments and one with her Zenit, there is room for more. For the memory of the lawyer Agnelli 16 years after his death. For Mrs. Marisa , second victim of the crazy night in Turin during the final between Juve and Real Madrid. For the young Riccardo Neri and Alessio Ferramosca , young people from the Juve nursery who died in absurd circumstances in 2006. For the collapse of the Morandi bridge , the earthquake in Indonesia , the battle for migrants , the memory of Scirea . There is his Old Lady, but not only. Because Marchisio knows that life is not just black and white, there are many other colors besides those worn by a football player. These are the nuances of life, images and frescoes that cannot be tattooed.
Speaking of Italians in the first place, when speaking of people with OTHER REAL difficulties, they are not Italians, but are not HUMANS
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The lines of the field can set the stage for a healthy rivalry. The rest is likely to be a disgusting sight. The drift towards the abyss that can be perceived even from so far away😪
A post shared by Claudio Marchisio (@ marchisiocla8) on: Dec 1, 2018 at 12:48 pm PST
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If you were to give your children a gift, you would pack it as
You would never wrap this way a gift for your child 🎁🌍. . Time is running out, but it is still not too late to transform our oceans back into clean, resource-rich habitats. For this I want to congratulate @theoceancleanup, a company engaged in the largest operation of cleaning the oceans from plastic ever thought and, to all those organizations that invest resources, energy, passion in combating the pollution of the seas caused by plastic waste 🙏 #climatechange #environment #ocean #zerowaste
A post shared by Claudio Marchisio (@ marchisiocla8) on: Oct 26, 2018 at 3:35 am PDT
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It will not be time that passes to justify an unacceptable tragedy. Close to #Genova and the Genoese, at any time and anywhere in the world. #genovanelcuore
A post shared by Claudio Marchisio (@ marchisiocla8) on: Sep 14, 2018 at 5:47 am PDT
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Wars and violence force thousands of families to abandon their homes every day and face dangerous journeys in search of protection, dignity and a future for their children. I believe it is time to ask world leaders for concrete solutions and to be on the side of the weakest. And which side are you on
Everyday thousands of families are forced by wars and violence to leave their homes and to undertake dangerous journeys. This because they are just seeking protection, dignity and a better future for their own children. I firmly believe it’s time to ask our political leaders to find concrete solutions, taking the side of the weakest. And you, whose side are you on
#WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay #stayhuman
Un post condiviso da Claudio Marchisio (@marchisiocla8) in data: Giu 20, 2018 at 5:59 PDT