On this Tuesday, October 12, two minors have been orphaned after their 37-year-old mother was a victim of gender-based violence and her husband ended her life in Vitoria. The event occurred after 7:00 in the morning at the family home, the husband, after slitting his wife’s throat, decided to take his own life with the same knife, sticking it in his neck.
The events have been recorded in the couple’s family home, on the first floor of number 22 Antonio Machado Street, in the Sansomendi neighborhood of the Alava capital.
According to EFE sources familiar with the case, the 42-year-old man, who returned from working the night shift at the factory, hHe has locked the woman on the balcony of the kitchen of the house and has cut her throat with a knife . Later, he made some cuts on her neck with the same weapon and stuck it in her chest, at the height of her heart.

The couple’s children, two boys aged 17 and 13, were in the house but, apparently, they have not been eyewitnesses to the crime.

It was one of them who notified the emergency services . When they arrived at the scene, they found the man still alive, but he had already lost a lot of blood and despite the resuscitation attempts by the toilets, he died minutes later.
According to these sources, the couple could be in the process of separation and the man did not accept this situation.. In fact, the man had told a relative on occasion that he was going to kill her, that he was not going to allow the separation.
The Ertzaintza is not aware that there was a record for any crime of sexist violence related to this couple.
If confirmed as a case of sexist violence, the woman murdered this Tuesday in Vitoria would be the 36th fatality for this scourge so far this year and 1,114 since 2003, when records of this type of crime began to be taken.

This 2021, sexist violence has left 19 orphans under the age of 18 , according to statistics from the Government Delegation against Gender Violence.
After the crime there have been numerous signs of condemnation, among them that of the First Vice-Lehendakari and Security Councilor of the Basque Government, Josu Erkoreka, who has considered violence against women “unacceptable” and has said that the Basque Country is experiencing today “a black day “.

The Basque women’s institute Emakunde has “firmly” condemned the murder and, together with the City Council of the capital of Alava and the Association of Basque Municipalities, has called on citizens to mobilize and concentrate tomorrow in rejection of this crime.
The mayor of the city, Gorka Urtaran, has lamented that sexist violence “murders women and destroys the lives of minors, other relatives and close friends.”
The Government delegate in the Basque Country, Denis Itxaso, in the act of celebrating the patron saint of the Civil Guard, a few meters from where the crime took place, has asked society to be aware that sexist violence is “one of the main problems” you have.
The Ministry of Equality recalls that the resources available 24 hours a day to assist possible victims are the telephone number 016, the email [email protected] and the WhatsApp channel at number 600 000 016.
In an emergency situation, you can call 112 or the emergency telephone numbers of the National Police (091) and the Civil Guard (062) and, when the call is impossible, you can use the ALERTCOPS application, from which An alert signal will be sent to the police with geolocation.
Equality indicates that these means of assistance can be activated by the victim and also by any person who knows or suspects a case of gender violence.

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