Dogs are extremely receptive animals: they can learn a lot, but it is necessary to teach with the right method. It is important to have a good amount of time and patience: not all dogs are the same and each of them has their own timing, but with the right approach training them will be a wonderful adventure. Here are some tricks (and some tips) to better educate your dog .

  • A good start
  • At each age his
  • To be positive
  • motivation
  • Reward and praise
  • Communication
  • To have fun
  • Stop at the right time

A good start
It is good to remember that learning is tiring for a dog and is much better done when his mind is fresh. This is why it is important that the dog is rested both physically and mentally: concentration, motivation, energy and possibly even a little appetite (any snacks have more value when you are a little hungry) are the necessary elements for a good learning. At any age,
dogs are much more similar to humans than you think . Among the similarities that we can easily identify are the stages of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and the third age. Learning skills are different at different stages and it is important to consider and respect the characteristics and needs of each age.
Puppies, for example, have a lower ability to concentrate than adult dogs, they tire more easily and for this reason the teachings must be simple and incisive; the elderly, on the other hand, have memory and reasoning skills superior to younger specimens, but they learn more slowly. Being Positive
Educating a dog can be very rewarding, but for this to happen, remember that dogs react much more effectively to positive reinforcements .
This means that we must keep away from coercive methods and tools and work instead on motivation and conviction. A motivated dog in fact collaborates with humans, becoming an ally and a trusted friend; on the contrary, a forced dog will be subjected to a great deal of stress and may not always be able to understand the motivation for the reprimand or punishment.
Rather than establishing a relationship with your dog based on negative reinforcement, it is much more satisfying and rewarding to start a relationship of mutual trust and respect from an early age. Motivate
Every dog ​​sees in his owner a point of reference and would do anything for him. It is good, however, to remember that we must not expect anythingfrom our four-legged friend: we must always consider his point of view and motivate him to do what we ask him. Food is certainly a strong motivator: after all, the love of dogs for food is well known, so much so that it is said that to get to their heart you have to go through the belly.
But there is more: it has been scientifically proven that praise, caresses and approval weigh more than food . The approval of the human being for a dog is the most rewarding reward: this is why the relationship with your four-legged friend is built over time and contains within itself knowledge, trust and mutual love. Reward and praise
Behavior that brings positive feelings and experiences is worth repeating. Rewarding and praising the dog when it behaves as desired and a source of great satisfaction both for the animal, which will learn to repeat it, and for the human being, who can add an important step in the education of their four-legged friend. . Communicating
How the dog does something
He must understand what he is being asked. And for this to be possible, it is essential that the human who asks is clear and coherent. Often the frustration and related problems of education in the dog arise precisely due to misunderstandings due to bad communication. It is important to be firm in tone of voice and body language, which can deliver mixed messages.Let’s not forget that humans communicate with dogs even without realizing it . Having fun
Learning while having fun is true for humans and even more so for dogs. A dog that has fun and a dog that learns well . But each animal has its own character and tastes: for this reason it is essential to identify which are the games that entertain him the most and the activities that make him feel better. Stop at the right time
For the teaching sessions to be positive and satisfying for dogs and humans, it is important that they last the right time.and are interrupted when the dog shows the very first signs of tiredness and listlessness (it seems to no longer understand what is being asked of it or no longer listen to the commands). When you are tired you don’t learn and work tired and a source of misunderstanding and frustration for both the dog and the owner.

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