When we are in the prime of adolescence we not only feel full of life, but we also have a very fast learning rate. And we are not just talking about school subjects but about everything that is shown to us on our path. We quickly learn how to use new technological tools, what are the behaviors that we must not adopt if we want to be better with ourselves and with others and – above all – we quickly memorize everything we really love. With the passage of time, however, we witness a rapid decline that also for what is of our interest: after a while we tend to forget it or not learn it in the best way. But there are five methods of keeping our brains alive and active. Here are which ones. Brain and dominant hand
It may sound absurd, but using your non-dominant hand to perform everyday tasks can stimulate some otherwise dormant brain areas. To start, try eating with your left hand (or right if you are left handed). Then move on to something more complicated: cut a piece of paper with scissors, write your name or draw a small drawing. And if you are particularly gifted for these experiments, you can try a very complicated one that only a few people can do. Take a notebook and two pens: now write your name at the same time with both hands. For the brain it is a very complicated thing because, of course, one hand tends to go in one direction and the other in the opposite. Practice until you get good handwriting. Walk backwardsto strengthen the brain
According to some theories, walking backwards improves our problem-solving ability because it tricks a sphere of the brain that sets a sort of alarm, thus causing completely unusual neuronal activities to go into motion. To see how good you are at this game, try taking a 10 minute walk forward, interspersed with a back five. Repeat several times (but pay attention to where you put your feet).
Walking backwards to boost your brain Photo Shitterstock Blazej Lyjak Always do something new
Every day of your life try to do something new, which you have never done before. Better still if you indulge in a completely different hobby from time to time. It doesn’t matter what it is: there are so many of them and each one increases your experiential baggage. You may even find that there are things you have always seen with little interest that, on the contrary, are extremely inspiring. What harms our brain performance most, in fact, is continuing to do the same things in life over and over again. In this way the brain adopts automatic behavior mechanisms and it is as if, in part, it was sleeping. Waking him up with some good news every day also helps us to see life with new eyes and with great amazement. Move! It’s good for the brain
It’s true: we studied hard to get the job we wanted, but today’s jobs – even if intellectually stimulating – do not allow us to move sufficiently. With a whole host of negative effects on our health. Still, a little exercise of just 30 minutes a day appears to stimulate the production of Bdnf, the brain’s derived neutrophic factor. In short, it is a molecule that favors the production of neurons and synapses with evident improvements in terms of learning. Scientists at the University of Illinois, on the other hand, have succeeded in demonstrating how physical activity is able to increase the gray matter in the hippocampus region, favoring the storage of new knowledge at the level of the frontal cortex.Don’t believe everything you read
Theoretically, the fact of not believing everything that we are taught by experts through school and books, would already be part of an excellent IQ. As we well know, in fact, in the vast majority of topics there are two streams of thoughts: generally one is typically rational or ‘official’ while the other is ‘alternative’. Each of us focuses more on one type of thought than the other. But since there is hardly a human being who has understood practically every secret of life, one can improve one’s intelligence (and experience) by trying for a few months to go to the other side. If, by hypothesis, you are among the people who believe only in official medicine, try to attend courses in alternative medicine for six months. But most importantly, perform your own verification tests, without relying on those published by other scientists. You may not change your mind, but you have certainly used your brain. This is valid for everything: to keep your brain in training you don’t have to be a passive participant: when we read, when we go to university, when we are shown something. In general, everything can have a second truth that perhaps travels parallel to the first. If we all conducted personal experiments – and did not passively undergo school information – now the human being would be more technologically advanced and, probably, more intelligent. But this, finally, is a whole other story. but surely you have really used your brain. This is valid for everything: to keep your brain in training you don’t have to be a passive participant: when we read, when we go to university, when we are shown something. In general, everything can have a second truth that perhaps travels parallel to the first. If we all conducted personal experiments – and did not passively undergo school information – now the human being would be more technologically advanced and, probably, more intelligent. But this, finally, is a whole other story. but surely you have really used your brain. This is valid for everything: to keep your brain in training you don’t have to be a passive participant: when we read, when we go to university, when we are shown something. In general, everything can have a second truth that perhaps travels parallel to the first. If we all conducted personal experiments – and did not passively undergo school information – now humans would be more technologically advanced and, arguably, more intelligent. But this, finally, is a whole other story. everything can have a second truth that perhaps travels parallel to the first. If we all conducted personal experiments – and did not passively undergo school information – now humans would be more technologically advanced and, arguably, more intelligent. But this, finally, is a whole other story. everything can have a second truth that perhaps travels parallel to the first. If we all conducted personal experiments – and did not passively undergo school information – now humans would be more technologically advanced and, arguably, more intelligent. But this, finally, is a whole other story.