Slimming and
the relative decrease in body weight are possible through various methods, ranging from localized slimming treatments with specific products, to the classic diet accompanied by a balanced dose of physical exercise . The natural supplements recommended for weight loss do not destabilize the systemic metabolism and at the same time can be easily combined with your diet and a healthy lifestyle. In this article we will see which are the best natural products to lose weight in a healthy and natural way .
Natural products for weight loss and good habits: let’s start from the beginning
The first thing to avoid when you want to decrease your body weight and rely on websites and products without the consent and advice of your doctor or specialist. Professional figures such as nutritionists, general practitioners and food specialists are always to be taken as a reference in organizing a good weight loss strategy . It must always start from a common basis: nutrition . Furthermore, it must be structured according to the subjective metabolic needs , so it is important to rely on your specialist.
Secondly, an exercise strategy aimed at weight loss must also be carefully planned(therefore aerobic) designed with a fitness specialist . Only after these necessary precautions can you begin to think about the use of very useful natural supplements : below, we will reveal 3 natural products for weight loss that are essential to assist the weight loss process. Let’s find out together!
Diuretic and purifying properties of birch Birch belongs to
the Betulaceae family; used precisely for their diuretic and purifying properties . It is also widely used for urinary tract disorders. But why is birch widely used in the treatment and prevention of these physiological disorders and difficulties?
The beneficial properties of the plant are found in the leaves, rich in flavonoids , phenolic acids , resins , vitamin C , and therefore very useful in purifying and diuretic functionality . Furthermore, the high potassium content makes birch sap a substance rich in diuretic and draining properties .
Green tea for body weight balance
Among the natural products for weight loss we also find green tea, the second ingredient of which we must praise the beneficial properties for the organism . Appreciated as an antioxidant and tonic (in case of fatigue, loss of tone, physical and mental fatigue), it also plays a fundamental role in maintaining the balance of body weight . The slimming properties of green tea help to accelerate the metabolism of fats and sugars and to burn more calories , thus facilitating the decrease in body weight and diuresis. The methylxanthines (caffeine, theobromine, theophylline), contained in green tea, promote the mobilization of fats located in the adipose tissue and their oxidation for energy, promoting weight loss . Do not forget that green tea also has an antioxidant action , against cellular aging caused by free radicals.
Stimulating fat metabolism thanks to coleus forskohlii
This substance not well known in the Western world and considered one of the best allies as a fat burner and stimulant of the metabolism . Forskolin is a substance extracted directly from the root of the Coleus plantand constitutes the main active principle responsible for the numerous properties and activities ascribed to Coleus forskohlii and to the extracts obtained from its roots.
According to some recent studies, this active ingredient, which deserves the name of ‘ fat burner ‘, increases the levels of the enzyme lipase, which is a hormone that has the function of fighting and eliminating fat , so that the intestine absorbs only the main nutrients. which the body needs for its functioning. By increasing lipases, lipolysis is activated, the catabolic process by which triglycerides are broken down, releasing fatty acids and glycerol which are released into the body for energy purposes.
Thanks to this mechanism of action, Forskolin enhances the function of the enzyme and is useful in improving fat and energy metabolism, promoting greater fat loss and therefore greater loss of body weight .
Natural supplements based on birch, green tea and coleus
Summing up everything we have seen so far, it seems clear that a natural food supplement based on these three ingredients (birch, green tea and coleus) is extremely effective as an ally in slimming treatments . Of course, we repeat that supplements must always be taken as part of a healthy lifestyle and onecorrect and balanced diet , associated with constant physical activity . In this case, there is no doubt that taking a supplement based on birch, green tea and coleus is highly recommended, both to reduce water retention and swelling , and to promote the acceleration of metabolism and induce a significant reduction in body weight .