If you think that erectile dysfunction affects a small portion of the population, you are very wrong. In Italy alone, as many as three million people suffer from this disorder. Given the importance of the sexual act in a couple, it goes without saying that the psychological impact for those with erection problems is considerable. For this reason it is important to find a remedy that can solve the problem as soon as possible. We mention 3 of those that we consider the most effective. However, it is important to emphasize that it is always good to ask your doctor or an andrologist / urologist for a consultation. What is an erection
First of all it is important to know the mechanism of erection well: thanks to a spinal reflex, there is a notable circulation of the blood flow towards the cavernous arteries of the penis. When this occurs, the male sexual organ becomes turgid and takes on different characteristics, including the actual lengthening of the penis. When experiencing erection problems, the penis has less blood flow which prevents swelling and adequate elevation. It is generally small, but may also be absent. Physical or psychological causes
In most cases it is psychological causes: the man in front of the woman, loses his concentration due to insecurities or fears. More rarely it is a physical ailment caused by trauma to the genital organs. But it can also be hormonal alterations, neurological pathologies and, finally, anatomical variations that prevent a correct blood supply. Do exercises to improve erection
One of the first tests that can be done to verify if it is possible to improve the condition, is to do the classic kegel exercises. Through these, the pelvic floor muscles can be strengthened, an important area for helping the penis to maintain an erection. Reinforcing them daily, in fact, allows for more satisfying sexual intercourse. The training is very simple, but first you have to learn to find these muscles easily. To do this, try stopping the flow of urine while peeing. At that moment pay close attention to which muscles you used because they are the ones that you will need to stimulate during the workout. This must be done by contracting the pelvic floor muscles for a few seconds. When finished, relax and repeat eight consecutive times. During the day, repeat the exercise at least three times. You can do this at any time, whether lying down or sitting. Your condition may have improved within a few days. According to a recent study published in BJU International, “pelvic floor exercises should be considered as a first-line approach for men seeking long-term resolution of their erectile dysfunction.”Exercises improve the whole sexual intercourse
“In males, with the perineal Kegel exercises, it could also reduce the lengthening of the refractory period (to have a second erection more easily) and prevent (by training the bulbocavernosal muscles surrounding the bulb urethral at the base of the penis) the reduction in the expulsive force of sperm that occurs over the years in all men … For example, in my latest book in amazon / kindle, I also explain how you can make love without erection », explains to La Stampa, Dr. Vincenzo Puppo, doctor and researcher of the Italian Center of Sexology, in Florence.
Improve erection – Alessandro Biascioli | Shutterstock The Role of Citrulline in Erection
To improve erectile dysfunction you can also try taking Citrulline – possibly under medical supervision. It is an amino acid present in high quantities in the skin of watermelon. According to some studies (not all confirmed), L-citrulline is transformed into arginine, another amino acid involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide. The latter, at the level of the penis, would perform a powerful vasodilation, improving the erection thanks to a greater turgor of the corpora cavernosa. The reason why Citrulline Arginine is preferred derives from the fact that the latest research has shown that taking Citrulline increases the availability of arginine in a much higher way than Arginine itself. Ginseng better than viagra
Finally, a research conducted by the University of Yonsei (South Korea), has shown how ginseng can offer satisfactory results, which some consider even better than Viagra. During the study, the researchers gave about fifty volunteers ginseng in patients with mild and moderate erectile dysfunction. The same number of patients had to take a placebo. At the end of the study, which lasted two months, the researchers measured the improvements using the International Index of Erectile Dysfunction scale. From the results – published in the International Journal of Impotence Research – it emerged that those who took ginseng had witnessed notable improvements in erection. We remind you, however, that ginseng is not suitable for everyone and it is not free from side effects.Fonti scientifiche
[1] Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008 Jan;65(1):51-9. Epub 2007 Jul 27. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of oral L-citrulline and L-arginine: impact on nitric oxide metabolism. Schwedhelm E1, Maas R, Freese R, Jung D, Lukacs Z, Jambrecina A, Spickler W, Schulze F, Boger RH.
[2] BJU Int. 2005 Sep;96(4):595-7. Pelvic floor exercises for erectile dysfunction. Dorey G1, Speakman MJ, Feneley RC, Swinkels A, Dunn CD.

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