From Australia a new – potential – vaccine against dementia.
The first tests, conducted on animals, seem to have already given positive results.
And the hope is that within the next decade many people will finally be protected
from one of the most feared diseases of the last century: Alzheimer’s. A drug that reverses the effects of dementia and

Not just any drug, therefore, what
scientists are experimenting with, but a real and extremely
revolutionary drug that will allow to reverse the effects of dementia such as
memory loss. The potential is incredible: it could even prevent Alzheimer’s
in predisposed people.An Alzheimer’s Vaccine: An Over 20 Year Project
The drug was developed by a team of several
Australian scientists including Nikolai Petrovsky of Flinders University in
South Australia. The 20-year project was made possible
thanks to financial support from the United States government. How the Alzheimer’s Vaccine Works
The vaccine has been designed in such a way as to allow
antibodies in the human body to detect and reverse the typical
brain formations associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s. At the moment there are
already some drugs available that can reduce symptoms but none have
such a high potential. In summary, the new treatment aims to remove
accumulated beta-amyloid (Aβ) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles
composed of the hyperphosphorylated tau protein, which together lead to the
neurodegeneration and cognitive decline typical of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s vaccine, when it becomes available
According to Petrovsky, there is a good chance that in less than five years the vaccine will already be available on the Italian market, but it could take up to ten years. “This is not the beginning of the journey, it’s the end,” said the Daily Telegraph scientist. «This vaccine could be revolutionary. It is not something that will be available tomorrow, but it is an exciting step in the right direction ».Alzheimer’s Vaccine Tests
Institute of Molecular Medicine professor Anahit
Ghochikyan and UCI associate professors Hvat Davtyan and Mathew Blurton-Jones
of the UCI tested universal vaccines based on the MultiTEP platform
formulated in Professor Petrovsky’s Australian laboratory. Possible
new therapies have recently been tested in bigenic mice. ‘Taken together, these findings justify the further
development of this dual vaccination strategy based on
MultiTEP technology for final testing in human Alzheimer’s disease,’ explain Professor Ghochikyan and Blurton-Jones. «Our approach is trying to surpass the previous ones
blocks in the search for a therapy capable of slowing the accumulation of
Aβ / tau molecules and delaying the progression of Alzheimer’s in an
increasing number of people around the world, ”says
Professor Petrovsky.
Alzheimer’s Will Just Be a Bad Memory Antibodies That Reduce Decline in
Patients Aducanumab, a human monoclonal antibody, has been shown to
reduce clinical decline in early Alzheimer’s patients. However,
it is important to underline that it cannot be used as a preventive measure in
healthy subjects due to the need for frequent
(monthly) administration of high concentrations of immunotherapics.The Problem of Alzheimer
‘s Alzheimer’s, Petrovsky argues, is one of mankind’s greatest health problems and will only get worse. This is why it is essential that science finds a cure available as soon as possible. The disease, in fact, is the leading cause of death in Australian women (and beyond) and the second leading cause of death in all the population. Over 250 diagnoses of dementia are made every day. In Italy there are thought to be over 600,000 people affected by Alzheimer’s. In royal jelly an anti-Alzheimer’s substance. The discovery of scientists Scientific sources
Testing a MultiTEP-based combination vaccine to reduce Aβ and tau pathology in Tau22/5xFAD bigenic mice (2019) by H Davtyan, A Hovakimyan, SK Shabestari, T Antonyan, MA Coburn, K Zagorski, G Chailyan, I Petrushina, O Svystun, E Danhash, N Petrovsky, DH Cribbs, MG Agadjanvan, M Blurton-Jones and A Ghochikyan, has been published in Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy (BMC, Springer Nature). DOI: 10.1186/s13195-019-0556-2
A MultiTEP platform-based epitope vaccine targeting the phosphatase activating domain (PAD) of tau: therapeutic efficacy in PS19 mice (2019) – Scientific Reports
Possible dementia vaccine closer after mice studies. Human trials tipped within two years – FLINDERS UNIVERSITY

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