Money, money, money … because to live you need all the money we are used to. It is
possible that in the world there are no places where you can live with dignity with less than 500 euros a month
The answer is: yes, it is possible! Panama, Thailand, Costa Rica are just some of the states where with less than half the average salary of an Italian you can lead an excellent existence. Let’s see a list of 10 places to live well for less than 500 euros a month .

1 – Thailand
Thailand is one of the cheapest, most practical and beautiful places to expatriate: most of the people in urban areas speak the English language correctly, and the territories are rich in cultural offerings and attractions such as temples, white beaches, crystal clear sea, splendid monuments .
On average, the monthly rent of a bed costs € 270, to which you have to add about € 65 / month for the cost of electricity, heating, water, waste. Healthcare is paid, but the costs are very low and the service is generally good. And for food
Rice with noodles they cost less than € 2.

ALSO SEE : When to go to Thailand, climate and best time

2 – Vietnam
Vietnam offers idyllic beaches, tropical forests and a remarkable abundance of local fruit and vegetables at very low prices. On average, the rent of a bed costs € 270 per month, while the cost of electricity, heating, water and waste must be estimated around € 45. A steak costs less than € 5 a beer less than € 1. Healthcare has high costs and a rather poor service: it is better to take out insurance policies.

3 – India
India is the ideal place for lovers of spirituality and outdoor adventures: it is in fact a land rich in rivers, plateaus, beaches and deserts, and is full of wonderful legacies of religion and history. Renting a bed costs around € 140, while utility bills are around € 35 per month. An average meal costs around € 5. Given the health situation at risk, it is good to take out a personalized insurance policy.

SEE ALSO : A Thousand and One Nights Holidays in India

4 – Nicaragua
Nicaragua has exciting aspects and enchanting landscapes for anyone: paradisiacal islands, colonial cities, jungles and vibrant city centers. A monthly bed costs about € 140, to which € 40 must be added for electricity, water, heating, waste. Public transport costs less than € 10 a month, and a monthly gym pass € 25. A full meal costs around € 3.

5 – Cambodia
Even in Cambodia you can admire historical beauties, such as the numerous temples , and you can live “low cost”: sharing a room for rent costs about € 140, while a full meal in restaurants costs about € 1.50. Cambodian food is excellent and is suitable for all tastes: a seafood barbecue costs around € 3.50.

6 – Costa Rica
Here too the cost of living is one of the lowest in the world: if you are satisfied with sharing the accommodation with friends, you can live in dignity with about € 450 per month, a cost that falls if you choose areas far from the capital. The cost of cigarettes is € 2.90 per pack, while € 6 is enough to have a good meal in a typical restaurant. There is a public health service that offers a more than discreet service.

7 – Nepal
Located between India and Tibet, visitors to Nepal can enjoy subtropical forests, ancient temples, safaris and attempt the climb to the top of the Himalayas . The rent of a bed costs only € 80 per month, while the monthly cost of the internet is € 15. In restaurants, the meal costs less than € 5; on the street even less than € 2.

8 – Panama
For many Europeans Panama is a true tax haven , but it’s not just this that brings many people to move: with around € 500 a month you can enjoy over 3,000 km of Caribbean beach coasts and a truly exceptional climate . Renting a bed costs around € 400 per month, while for utilities you have to charge another € 50 around. In case of illness, no problem: a visit to a doctor costs around € 30.

9 – Czech Republic Europe
toooffers many areas where it is possible to live for less than € 500 per month: one of these is the Czech Republic, where for a maximum of € 150 per month it is possible to rent an apartment. The cost of transport is less than € 100 per month, and eating out is possible for € 2 (street food) or € 10 (restaurant). However, if you approach Prague it is inevitable that prices will rise.

SEE ALSO : The least visited European capitals

10 – Guatemala
The welcome of the people, the Mayan ruins, volcanoes, forests and beachesthey are very attractive attractions for Guatemala: to this is added a very low cost of living. A bed for rent costs around € 300 per month, while utilities are required around € 110 per month. The monthly pass for public transport costs around € 18, and food is also really cheap: with less than € 10 a day you can eat in abundance.

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